Our break up

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Jennie PoV

Flash!... Flash!... Flash!... Flash!

Photographer: excellent darling.... beautiful.... stunning... yassss darling.

Flash!... Flash!

Photographer: stunning stunning, beautiful.

Every flash went by as the photographer takes my picture, while complimenting me with every picture he took.

Photographer: it's a wrap honey.

I smile as I say my goodbyes and thank yous to the photographer and the crew. I got here at 2pm and we finished at 7:45pm. That was quicker than expected, I'm just glad I can go home.

I headed back to my dressing room so I can change into my casual clothes. I really miss the times Lisa used to be my little photographer. Now I just get my manager or someone else to take my pictures so I can post on my Instagram for my fans.

I just wrapped up a shoot for my Vogue cover for this months issue. I just did another shoot, last week for W Korea. My manger says I have a couple of weeks off until further notice. So that means more time with my baby Ella.

Ella can't speak a lot yet, she can say "mama" and "dada". She knows how to stand on her own, she's already taken her first steps but she prefers to crawl. Me and Lisa are teaching her colors and shapes. She's growing up so fast. She also can shake her head and nod. She understands what we are saying and it's the cutest.

After I got changed me and my manager headed to the car. Luckily this was a private shoot so there is no fans or paparazzi here.

While driving home I get a call from Rosé. Hopefully everything is okay at home. Maybe she forgot where Ella's baby food is or maybe she accidentally ate Ella's food again.

Jennie: hello hubby, is everything okay

I say when I answered the phone.

Rosé: yes wifey but Lisa is here, with Seulgi and Bambam.

I was confused she wasn't supposed to pick up Ella today. Lisa has her for 3 days and I have her for 4 days. That's what we agreed on for this week.

Jennie: why is she here, she's not supposed to take Ella till tomorrow.

It's not to long ago since me and Lisa broke up.

Rosé: she had loads of gifts for Ella.

I sigh. She's such a good mother for Ella. Wish we can be a happy family.

Jennie: okay I'll be home in 10 minutes bye.

Rosé says bye before I hang up.

Manager: is everything okay Miss Kim.

I nodded

Jennie: I'm just tired, I just can't wait to see baby Ella.

My manager chuckled, he can tell that I didn't want to talk right now so he nodded and went on his phone.

I remember our break up. It hurt me so much that the person I loved would do that to me. Lisa went out to the club for the celebration for her first album. A bunch of people were there. I didn't go because I was pretty much pregnant. Seulgi and Bambam couldn't make it because they were doing choreography for an artist in the morning and had to get up early.

Long story short, Lisa didn't come home that night, she came back in the morning. I saw TMZ and other news outlets talk about it. "Lisa leaves party with women, who isn't Jennie!!!". The girl and Lisa seemed pretty close and obviously drunk.

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