Flowers From an Ex

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Jennie PoV

I was finishing up the shoot. I can't wait to get home to my two babies.

Me and my manager walk to the car. When we got to the car the driver starts to drive me home.

Manager: Jennie you have a meeting with some people at Chanel, about what you will wear to the Chanel event in California.

I just nod, it will be a long journey but work is work.

Jennie: where will the meeting be?

My Manager checks his phone.

Manager; it's an hour away from your house, we'll drive there together.

I nod

Jennie: what time shall I be ready?

Manager: maybe around 7 I'll be outside your house by 8, the meeting is at 9:45am

I nod

Jennie: that's fine I'll just make sure my baby and Lisa are ok before I go.

My manger nods.

I'm so tired I can't wait to sleep and cuddle with my Lili.

Lisa PoV

I was just watching a movie and ordered takeout for when my Nini arrives home. I was watching Avengers, one of my favourites.

I have already fed Ella an hour ago, Ella is already fast asleep in her room. I wouldn't watch Avengers, if Ella was here, she doesn't like action movies, we would watch a Disney princess movie, Ella loves Disney movies.

Couple of moments later...

I hear the door bell ring so I went to get the door. They wasn't kidding when they said fast food. When I opened the door there was a man with flowers. Who delivers flowers at this time?

Delivery guy: Miss Jennie Kim

The man says while reading the card.

Lisa: yes I'll take them... thank you.

The man nods his head and leaves and I close the door. Who delivers flowers to Jennie at this time. I made my way to the living area with the flowers in hand.

Must be a photographer congratulating her on her shoot or maybe some fan who likes her sent her flowers, but how would they know where she lives?

I took the card from the flowers to see who sent them.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady- from Shownu xxx

My blood began to boil. Her fucking ex boyfriend sent flowers to her. How does he know where she lives? Has he been here before?

I was about to loose it, I just had to get out of here but I can't leave Ella here alone. No one is home yet from their dates.

I put the stupid flowers down on the table in the living area and I went to get changed and put on a jacket. I'll wait till one of them to come back so I can get out of here.  I can't leave Ella home alone but I can't even look at Jennie right now.

10 minutes later...

I finished changing and I hear the door opening and closing. Please let it be anyone else but Jennie.

I was wrong it was Jennie and she must of bumped into the takeout delivery guy because she had the takeout in hand.

Jennie: honey where are you going? Were you going to leave Ella alone?

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