Irene Mom

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Lisa pov

It's been 3 months. I've released my album and my fans loved it. I filmed the Perfect music with Msftz, even though Jennie wasn't happy with it she got over it quite quickly because she knew the song was about her anyway. She didn't like the romantic music video with another woman but I reassure her that it was strictly business.

My music video with Lauren was released and Jennie was at all the shooting process. She was practically the director she kept yelling cut when she thought the shot was too sexual or romantic. Every time the actual director said cut she would come to me so it wouldn't just be me and Lauren talking. The video came out really good, Lauren and I flirted for the music video a little, to make the song appeal to the fans. Jennie trusted me though and that's what's most important.

I asked my record label and management for some time off to spend with my family. They agreed because of the success of my second album. They didn't really mind.

Jennie was happy I didn't have to work. I mean I'm still going to go to the studio maybe to do some features. Maybe me and Jennie should do a song? Or not.

The thing I do know is that soon I'll make Jennie mine, officially... I'll propose to her again. Mark my words.

Jennie is off as well so it's the perfect time to go away somewhere.

I've planned a picnic for Jennie soon. I've already set everything up. I just need to take her to the place.

I go downstairs and see everyone talking in the living area.

Jennie: sweet face, tomorrow Irene mom is coming over to stay with us for 2 weeks.

My eyes brighten up. Me, Seulgi and Bambam high five each other. Miss Young is so hot. Irene has her fathers last name and Miss Young divorced Irene's father.

Me, Seulgi and Bambam had a crush on Irene mom since we were younger, she was our celebrity crush. We listened to all of her songs.

Jennie: gross, you guys can't act like this when Miss Young comes over here. Maybe it's best for you guys to not be here.

Jennie rolls her eyes

Irene: I hate you guys for crushing on my mom, she has standards. You always act like teenagers in love when my mom comes to visit.

Irene hits Seulgis arm.

Rosé: can't believe we'll have to keep an eye on these three when Irene mom comes.

Hey it's like meeting your idol. Tiffany Young is our idol who happens to be Irene's mom.

V: come on, she Can't be that hot. No offence Irene.

Me, Seulgi and Bambam gasp. He didn't just say that.

Lisa: are you crazy, Tiffany Young is our idol, take that back.

V's eyes just widen.

V: wait your mom is THE Tiffany Young.

Jisoo face palms her forehead.

Jisoo: great don't tell me you have a crush on her too.

V brightens up.

V: she's the best, she's so pretty. I can't believe I'm going to meet her.

V claps in excitement. I guess V is in the fan club of Irene mom.

Irene: great the fan club grows, just don't do anything embarrassing. Like these fools do.

I roll my eyes

Lisa: we're not embarrassing Unnie.

Irene shakes her head

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