Just a threat

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Lisa PoV

So Jennie told me not to confront Jay or make him jealous, she wants me to simply ignore it.

Ignore it??


This woman is just too nice and forgiving.

I'm forgiving too but when it comes to the people I care about and hurting them, it's war bitches.

But I'm just going to have to send something to him to make him back off even if it's for a little while.

Yeah she was serious, so I agreed but I did tell her I'll have someone from my team to talk to him and she agreed I should do that.

Currently me Seulgi and Bambam are at the studio. Finishing editing on our songs that's on my up in coming album.

We were on a little break from working and straight away Both of them had there eyes glued to there phones, smiling like idiots.

Lisa: hey idiots, I'm talking

They both put there phones away and looked at me.

Bambam: sorry you was saying something about Jennie not wanting you to confront Jay before.

I nod

Seulgi: maybe you can sent someone to do a little threat.

I smile as Seulgi wiggles her eyebrows.

Bambam: yeah "just a threat"

I chuckle

Lisa: you guys were thinking exactly what I'm thinking.

Some of our guys can pay Jay a little visit.

Lisa: I'll send some real jaw breakers on him.

Seulgi chuckles

Seulgi: don't sent people to break his jaw maybe bruise him a little

I nod

Bambam: I heard he's throwing a party at the lights club tonight sent them there.

I nod as I texted one of the guys who'll pay Jay a little visit.

I got a text back and he agreed.

Bambam: now we lay back and wait for karma to bite him in the ass.

Seulgi laughs

Seulgi: these guys will have fun, anyways I want to go back home I miss my girl.

Seulgi shoots up

Bambam: I mean at least you guys have girlfriend, Rosé is way to good for me.

Bambam suddenly frowns, me and Seulgi look at each other with confusion. Everything looked fine in the morning. Unless he feels guilty about something.

Lisa: Bambam what's wrong you and Rosé are good right?

Bambam shrugs

Seulgi: you guys were talking before we left the house and you look happy.

Bambam sighs

Bambam: come on guys look at her she's a so beautiful, funny and kind she won't stay with a guy like me, she'll find someone better when she's had enough of me.

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