No staying over

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Lisa PoV

When we got to Jennie place, with the food Irene asked for. Seulgi knocks on the door. We have a lot of food. Burgers and chicken, Irene says Rosé was dying for some so Bambam rushed over to the food joint and ordered so much, he actually paid for everything to. He's so whipped. Can't wait till they make it official.

Rosé opens the door and Bambam face just lights up. Rosé smiles as her eyes don't leave Bambam. Rosé move a little to the side and lets us in. I smell love between theses two.

Rosé: I smell chicken.

We chuckle as Rosé licks her lips. Bambam must have felt some sort of way about that. He was in a trance of some sort, it was amusing to see from mine and Seulgi point of view. Seulgi nudges him and he snaps out of it.

We enter the living area. Jennie and Jisoo aren't here.

Irene: put everything here.

Irene just finishes setting the table up for us.

Irene: you have a lot of food.

She says as me and Bambam put the food on the table.

Seulgi: babe is Jisoo still on her date with V.

Irene shakes her head.

Rosé: it's 12am, you guys took so long, she came back an hour ago and she said she had an amazing time.

I nod, must of been romantic. Knowing V, Irene says he's one hell of a romantic when it comes to girls he is interested in.

Lisa: where is she then?

Jisoo would normally run down the stairs like Sonic the hedgehog, when she smells chicken.

Irene: Jisoo is sleeping, her and V went on a romantic walk on the beach, he's coming over tomorrow to see her as well.

We all clap in excitement for her.

Seulgi; the date must of went really well.

I'm happy for Jisoo and V, they make an extremely good looking couple.

Bambam: maybe we can see V tomorrow if we aren't at the studio, or you guys can come by.

Seulgi nods

Seulgi: that would be fun.

Bambam sits down and Rosé sits next to him, they were ready to eat. I could see the drool coming from their mouths.

Lisa: where are my girls?

Jennie and Ella still haven't come into the living area.

Rosé: Jennie is with Ella in her room.

I nod

Lisa: I'll go and get them but you guys can start eating.

Rosé sighs in relief

Rosé: thank god, thought you were going to make you wait for you guys.

Rosé digs in and everyone chuckles. I shake my head and headed to Jennie room.

When I walk in, I see Jennie cleaning her room while Ella is sleeping on her bed. Jennie sees me enter. I slowly close the door trying to not make any noise, so Ella won't wake up.

Jennie smiles and turns to me, I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She pecks my lips and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

Jennie: you guys came here pretty late, what time are you planning on going home.

I chuckle, me and Jennie agreed to take it slow, she said to me she wants us to be together more then a month before we can sleep over at each other's houses again. I know it's unfair. She just really doesn't trust me yet. She wants me to be with her and not feel unsafe when I'm not with her. She doesn't want to feel like I'm cheating on her.

I'm doing my best to gain her trust again. Even though my dick is going crazy for her. I want to be with her and only her, hopefully she'll allow us to have sex sooner then later, otherwise I'm going to explode.

Lisa: after we eat, Rosé is probably eating all of the burgers and chicken as we speak.

Jennie chuckles

Jennie: it's really unhealthy eating at a late hour like this but I'm kind of hungry.

I smile at her perfect features.

Lisa: lets go then.

Jennie picks up the baby monitor. I put Ella in her crib gently so she doesn't wake and kiss her on her head. We need Ella in here or she'll end up rolling off the bed.

Lisa: night princess

I whisper as I walk to Jennie and we leave the room and join the others.

An hour later....

It was 1am and we finished eating.

Irene: come on let them stay here Jennie!

Irene wanting us to stay so she can share the room with her teddy bear Seulgi.

Jennie rolls her eyes.

Jennie: If Lisa stays here she'll find a way to sneak into my room and I can't say no to a cute Lisa.

Jennie wasn't even looking at me right now.

Rosé: they can all sleep in guest rooms.

I need to gain Jennie trust again so I'm following her rules.

Lisa: it's fine we'll go back to our place.

Jennie frowns. Did I say something wrong?

Me, Bambam and Seulgi get ready to leave. I said my byes to Irene and Rosé. Jennie let us out.

Seulgi kisses Irene goodbye and Bambam hugs Rosé bye, then they both go outside and wait for me in the car.

Jennie: have a good journey home.

Jennie kisses me and she snuggles into my chest. I wrap my arms around her. She lifts her head up to look at me.

Lisa: I'll miss you.

Jennie frowns.

Jennie: me too lili, behave yourself while you're not with me.

Jennie says things like that because she thinks I have a girl on stand by somewhere. Which I don't.

Jennie: text me when you get home, it only takes 30 minutes for you to get home, so I expect a text in the next 30 minutes.

I chuckle and peck Jennie's lips.

Lisa: don't worry nini, I'll text you, plus you guys are going to come to the studio tomorrow with V, so I'll see you then ok.

Jennie smiles and nods

Jennie: see you tomorrow lili

We kiss for the last time before I leave and head into the car.

I miss her already.


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer. Drama alert for the next chapter.


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