[Chapter 12]

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After that intimate hot chocolate session the two of them shared, they went on for a week straight not having direct communication. He'd wake up super early and be already gone for work by the time she woke up. She still found a plate of breakfast saved aside on the counter for her -everyday-, and she'd try and eat as much as she could as an appreciative gesture, like a quick 'thank you'. They fell in this silent routine where they'd hardly bump into each other.

She'd snoop around all day, occupying herself, while he went to his job, and when he'd come back she'd go in her room like a little worm and not come out, while he worked diligently in his study. That way it was easier for both of them to keep their distance without having to be much passive aggressive. She'd been feeling a little more comfortable, noting that it's been more than a week and he still hasn't done anything outrageous. She prayed in her heart he doesn't get a sudden change in his.

The weather condition was worsening day by day, having peaked at the mid of November. The rain fell heavily at every time of the day, not just at early mornings opposed to October. She'd wear extra layers of clothes and cover at night with two blankets to chase the coldness away. Tonight, the weather was extremely clangorous, the night sky painted black, no stars in sight. It was one of those nights that came once in every few years. The type of night to have people hiding away in their houses avoiding the storm.

She hid away under the forts of blankets gathered on the bed. The walls doing a poor job of keeping the thunderous booms from getting in and into her head. As much as she loved the winter and all that it entailed, everything had a downside. She happened to be afraid of thunder and lightning, the scary duo having scared her since early childhood. She managed somehow to fall asleep miraculously despite the noise. Although, the land of dreams wasn't much keen on her this frightening night. She was sadly having another nightmare, twisting and turning in bed fruitlessly not succeeding in locking the monsters out. They got to her. A loud booming erupted from the sky, making her jolt awake in a powerless scream.

Silas was in his study, reading a book. He's gotten home thankfully early today before the storm hit, and nestled in the window loveseat leisurely with a frizzy blanket and comfortable clothes. He was so glad to change out of the tight suit and hop right away in the comfort of the baggy hoodie and sweatpants. His head tipped back to the windowsill while he held the book in a weird position in his lap, the light drifting from the adjacent lamp serving him, because the night outside was pitch black with no stars or moon in sight. He continued reading through the night, like he did secretly every night, the window loveseat becoming his favorite spot in the house as of late.

He had just turned the page when he heard the agonizing scream. He recognized the voice right away and hopped right onto his feet and took off to her room. His heart nearly fell out of its place from the intrusive thoughts he was thinking. What happened? Is she hurt? What caused her to scream like that? Is she ok? He kept running the short distance until he bursted through the door. He found her panting heavily on the bed, back against the headboard while sobbing uncontrollably. She looked lost. Terrified. And when thunder struck again she clutched the blanket tighter, whimpering some more.

He got to her briskly, in no time he was up by her side, also panting heavily from his jog. He got on the bed beside her and she stared at him before he brought her into his chest. She tried to protest but her kept his firm hold, rebutting with "Shh, you're safe with me. Nothing can reach you here" He kept muttering in her ear while rubbing her back soothingly.
After her pointless rustling and fighting, Tatiana eventually caved in and held onto his chest tightly, hugging him back with all her might, breathing in his familiar scent. He wouldn't hurt her, she thought. He was here to soothe her, to make sure she's safe. He cared about her, he wouldn't hurt her. "Don't go" She whispered in a little voice, afraid that if she spoke a little louder and it would turn out to be nothing but a mirage, and he would disappear into thin air.

He held her and tightened his hold on her "I'm not. I'm not going anywhere" He reassured her and they kept the position going for few more minutes, until he wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs ever so gently. She stopped quivering and crying by now, still the look of terror and uncertainty glistening in her eyes. He took her hair out of its usual ponytail, keeping the rubber band securely on his wrist while he played with her hair. She kept her strong lock on him, afraid he'll magically dissipate, fingers playing with the fabric of his hoodie while he tucked them both to sleep. They laid back on the bed and he never ceased to hold her. She looked up at him with what can be described as admiration while he pecked her forehead in a feather touch.

"I'm afraid" She muttered at the dead of the night. He brought her closer, rubbing his hand on her arm back and forth "I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you" He assured her and she looked up at him "Promise?" She murmured against his chest. "Promise" He gave her his word and then pulled the blankets on both of them, fighting the cold away. Moments passed until she closed her eyes. He looked at her with bubbly eyes, having missed her the entire week. Then a terrifying idea downed on him, he shouldn't get so attached to her. She wasn't his. She was his brother's girl from the beginning and he would only take her until Ace came back from wherever he was to claim her back. That's what he - she- wanted anyway, right? He shouldn't get too close to her. His chest contrasted at the dooming thought. In just a matter of two weeks, he's gotten so much used to her presence in his house, in his mind, that it blurred the lines between what he should do and what he wanted to do. There was a rattling battle going on, and the two main components were all too familiar, his brain and his heart. Whomever wins ultimately, he'd still end up losing.

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