[Chapter 19]

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The three following days passed by with nothing significant to mention. Tatiana and Silas had fallen into a comfortable routine where they'd hang out after he comes home from work. In this time she'd typically tidy up the house and draw and sketch in her room, passing the time until he made his return. Then, the both of them would spend the rest of the evening together, whether it was reading books or watching movies together or just laying around lazily while drinking hot chocolate. They lathered in the cozy heat the house granted, sheltering them from the outside catastrophic cold. That until, the day reached where they're supposed to have dinner with his parents. She'd met them before, barely grazing. They'd overlooked her before due to her social status, not giving her the time of day, and now she was married to their son, carrying their last name as well.

To say she wasn't nervous would be considered blatant lies. She was on the verge of hyperventilating given one wrong moment of excessive thought. She'd agreed to this already, so she can't back out now. Besides, it's not fair towards Si. She'd promised him countless times over the last few days that she was up to this. After taking a hot shower and getting dressed, she dries her hair and puts a little more effort into makeup, wanting to look presentable for the night. Just as she was putting on her earrings in front of the vanity mirror, he appeared behind her out of no where in a clean cut suit, enhancing his manly features to stand out more. She gasped when she felt him hug her from behind, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. "You smell so good" He murmurs lowly and that causes her stomach to unwind in knots; pleasantly.

"Mmm, so do you" She fires back boldly, making him tighten his hold on her. He showers her neck with butterfly kisses causing her to squirm and giggle at the action. She had the dorkiest smile "Si, we'll be late, come on" She kissed his cheek once, printing her pink lipstick on his skin. She giggled some more before telling him to stay still and fetching a makeup wipe, wiping the lipstick off.

"Are you nervous?" His voice broke out. She looked up at him, pursing her lips "Obviously. They're your parents and I want to impress them" She answered frankly and he threw the wipe away to the garbage bin. He hugged her "Regardless of what they think of you, you're still the greatest thing that happened to me. Besides, who wouldn't be smitten by you?" He said reassuringly, causing her to nod. He pecked her lips and she pouted "Now I have to wipe this as well" She darted out to fetch another wipe when he stopped her, interlocking his hand with her "No, leave it. I don't mind people knowing I kiss my wife" He smirked while she shoved him playfully, red staining her cheeks in shyness.

The car ride took about half an hour instead of fifteen minutes due to the slippery roads and the bad weather. The sky was pouring rain madly, the tires gliding as efficiently as possible in the condition. They finally parked at the entrance of a big house, more resembling of an estate. Tatiana felt her heart leaping in her chest nervously, her mouth dry like cotton. Before she could give in to the thoughts that advised her to turn back and run as far as she could, Silas engulfed her in a sideway hug. Squeezing her hand, he spoke "you'll be fine. We'll be fine, come on" with one hand on the small of her back, he ushered them both to the doorstep.

The door opened revealing his mother, whom dressed elegantly in a burgundy wool dress, complimenting her looks with the finest of jewelry. She looked radiant and her aura exuded keenness. "Hey, come on in, don't stay out in the cold" She greeted them both, opening the door wide so they could enter. The house was decorated chicly, modern centerpieces scattered around and about, giving a cozy look to the otherwise tasteless mansion. They went inside to the living room, his father seated nonchalantly, looking he'd rather be anywhere but here. She gulped and nodded solemnly before Si went his way and greeted him. She did the same, nonetheless, she still received that unwelcoming vibe. He didn't want them there, he was merely tolerating them.

Si divulged into business talk, which got the stagnant man to relent a bit, immersed into conversation about a topic he finds of passion and interest. Meanwhile, her mother in law was definitely more on the lenient side, having nothing in common with Tati, she still aspired to create common grounds between the two. Although Tatiana wasn't sure it worked, seeming the large gaps between the two, she appreciated the try. Almost like the kindness Mrs. Black was showing came from a place of ignorance. Like she doesn't know about what Tatiana went through, either she did and chose to ignore it. Whichever choice it was, she was grateful for the situation turning out in her favor.

After mindless chatter and several attempts at sparking conversations, failing miserably in creating that bond, lighting that spark, her stomach began to twist upside down. She felt uneasy, like the world suddenly stood on a carousel, turning nonstop. When they moved for the dining table, where servers were presenting high end food, looking extravagant and too peculiar for ordinary taste, her stomach rose to the bottom of her throat. She willed it to relax by taking deep breaths and trying not to concentrate on the smell of the food that was driving her senses to the edge of a cliff. She weirdly had this bad feeling brewing in her stomach, telling her there's worse to come.

She excused herself, saying she's going quickly to the ladies room. Giving Si that assuring look, to tell him everything's fine, she got up from her seat and took calculated steps to the bathroom by the appreciated guidance of the staff. Just then when she entered, oblivious to her, entered a staggering figure to the mansion. The people in the dining room too far away to be concerned with his presence. He entered the house and spotted one of the servants standing in position "Hey you, who's over there" He asks drunkenly, finger pointing in the living room direction. The servant hesitated a little bit before revealing the information "Umm, Mr. Silas and his wife are over for dinner, sir" Answers the poor petrified servant. Ace smirked and chuckled humorlessly. Then, he made his way to the bathroom. Seeing the door locked, he decided to wait. After a while, the door opens revealing an all too familiar figure. She freezes over in her stance. Her biggest nightmare coming alive.

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