[Chapter 13]

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The next morning, Tatiana woke up to much brighter skies, the traces of the night before all gone. The sky brimmed with light, wintery birds still lingered on bare tree branches, composing symphonic chirping. The previous heavy downpour ceased, as the sky took a rest from crying, and though the clouds still adorned the horizons, there's no doubt it looked snd felt so much brighter, lighter by weight even.

The skies weren't the only thing that took Tatiana by surprise, she found the figure of her husband lying chest clad to hers, his arms resting safely on her stomach. Weirdly enough, she hadn't flinched like she expected herself to do. There wasn't any reason to, he only proved her time and time again that he'll do her no harm. She took the early moments of quietness to admire him up close. She took in his features like seeing him for the first time. The lashes that fluttered against his high cheekbones. To his straight nose followed by the set of perfect lips, down to the light stubble growing. She took in his large arms that currently held her fleshed to him, as they did rub her back last night. She couldn't help the bursting feelings erupting in her chest. Her stomach churned, the good kind for once. And she froze upon seeing him shift slightly, she didn't want get caught ogling the man shamelessly. He probably thought of her weird enough based on all the things that happened thus far.

She woke up before him for once, a change of their silent routine. She wiggled out of his arms into the bathroom to shower and change, after locking the door after her. She's still not at that phase yet. But a step closer, she thought positively. She didn't flinch away. She didn't have a panic attack from his touch. On the contrary, his touch is what helped her through her panic attack last night. Oh, how the roles have reversed. She wasn't used to this. She didn't not like the feeling, it's the best sleep she'd had gotten in the last month. She'd mulled over a few moments before getting out of bed, not wanting to let go quite yet. She lathered in his touch; it made her feel safe and secure. After the creepy shower with her unprecedented thoughts, she got out to the kitchen and made breakfast for the first time since she's been brought here.

She felt lighter, chirpier, so damn much that she wanted to make breakfast, to surprise him as a quick 'thank you' when he woke up. She started working immediately, cutting vegetables and boiling some eggs, she even put the tea kettle on the stove knowing he liked his morning tea; she did as well. Few moments after the aroma of food whirled around, a sleepy Silas stumbled into the kitchen in nothing but sweatpants, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. Tatiana was tremendously immersed into peeling the eggs on the counter, she was oblivious to his anew presence.

He watched her silently working, her signature ponytail in, looking as cute as ever. Then the evocative thought that she wasn't his and he needn't feel so attached to her kicked in, slumping his shoulders. Instead of approaching her, he took a seat on the dining table murmuring "Morning" in his husky deep voice. She jumped back immediately, not having sensed when he entered. Her smile fell off her face. He was chest bare, she gulped and swallowed down looking away before getting caught ogling. "Good morning" She greeted back, then proceeded to carry plates to the table. He quirked an eyebrow up in question "Umm, I woke up early and wanted to make breakfast, hope you don't mind.." She muttered guiltily, like a child caught stealing cookies on Christmas Eve. He nodded then grabbed her hand in his. When she didn't pull back he proceeded "Of course I don't mind, thank you, this looks fantastic" He answered gratefully before letting her hand go and immersing in eating. She only nodded and packed her plate with said food and started to eat as well.

The remainder of breakfast was spent awkwardly, each staring at their own plates, afraid to look up and meet the other's gaze, afraid to stir up conversation on last night. After they gathered the plates away, they drank the tea and then she'd asked what's been on her mind since morning "Don't you have to go to work?" She pursed her lips bashfully, and he grinned "No, I'm having a day off. Why? So eager to get rid of me?" He asked teasingly and she jerked her head upwards "No, that's..that's not what I meant!" She defied sweetly and he grinned "Relax, Tati, I was just teasing you" He smiles sheepishly and she huffs and stumps her foot in frustration "Whatever, I'll be in my room" She said in a small voice then went away. He shook his head laughing at how easy she was to rile up.

The day seemed to flow on effortlessly after that. They each stayed within their own bubbles, Tatiana as she previously mentioned in her room, and Silas in his study office. They coexisted simultaneously, each doing their own thing without interrupting the other. It felt nice, having their own quality alone time, but loneliness was a dangerous thing. It left people unattended with their thoughts. It gave them enough time and space to work up the things they keep tucked away in the attics of their minds for a reason. Moreover, loneliness in general was a sucky feeling; especially after spending time with another person, you'll naturally grow accustomed to their presence, dare I even say long for it.

That's what they did individually. Silas was reading a book in his window loveseat, reading the same page for the umpteenth time without soaking in a single word. If you'd asked him right now what was going on, he'd have no clue, because his mind kept running in circles, always coming back to her. No matter what direction he shifted his mind to, it always came back to her. He felt utterly frustrated with himself and the situation. Similarly, Tatiana felt like she wanted to draw today. By no means was she an artist, she liked to pass time by sketching and drawing. It was always a good distraction from everything going on around her, her own little escape. She laid in her room, a white sheet of paper in hand while a pencil in the other. She wanted to sketch, to run away from her thoughts, failing miserably as she stared back at the white sheet, groaning in frustration.

Her thoughts kept circling back to him. No matter where she forced her mind to wander off to, it always found a way to evade that and think back to him. Just then, she had a million dollar idea strike her. She got up from the bed, leaving the paper and pencil behind on the mattress; she'd come back for them later, according to plan. She sauntered into the kitchen and quickly made two cups of hot chocolate, the thought alone sending her stomach into overdrive. She swiftly prepared the cups and walked curiously until reaching his door, knocking.

After hearing the faint 'come in' she entered the study, finding Silas in the exact spot she'd imagined him would be. Only this time, he had a book in his lap and reading glasses on. Seeing him in this sort of setting was something anew for certain. Not lying, he rocked the look, and every other look imaginable. He could do it all she thought.

"Hey, I made you hot chocolate" She sauntered in, taking his attention off the book, he smiled at her sweet gesture snd accepted the mug with 'thanks".

As she turned away, he frowned, not ready to part ways yet "Where are you going?" He asked in a small face and she smirked, her back facing him, and got out.

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