8 : anger

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Initially, Hwayoung thought that Jungwon's condition was getting better ever since that day of the hangman game.

However, after her birthday, whenever she went over to his house for their therapy session, he was back at it again...

Only at certain times, he would be more social but, that case was really rare.

Just nodding his head or giving her shrugs or responding with short and vague answers.

To be honest, this was pretty normal for most patients. It would be only weirder if Jungwon suddenly became so open.

But still, Hwayoung was not going to give up on him.

She always believed that every patient has the right to recover safely and happily.

The chances of seeing him social were like seeing a white dandelion in a whole farm of yellow dandelions. 

"Even though so, I should still ask him about that right? If he doesn't tell me, I will never be able to help him at all." Hwayoung thought.

"What's wrong? I can sense from your sudden change in behaviour that something went wrong. Do you mind sharing?"
Hwayoung tried to let him explain.

"Her wearing the dandelion clip looks kinda nice..."
Jungwon thought when he glanced at her.

He noticed that Hwayoung had been constantly wearing it daily on every therapy session.

"Seems like she likes it!"
He beamed internally.

"Jungwon, you alright?"
Hwayoung snapped him back to reality.

"Oh, y-yeah..."
He got startled by her voice.

"Is there something wrong?"
Hwayoung's voice softened which managed to calm Jungwon down.

He quickly replied to her and started off the window again.

"Jungwon ah, it's alright. I'm here to help you, please trust me."
Hwayoung reassured him, hoping that he would open his feelings up to her.

"Alright, I'll try..."
He sighed.

"So, today we will be doing an activity called secrets. You up for it?"
Hwayoung wanted to make sure.

Jungwon hesitated.

He knew that Hwayoung would most probably be asking him that question.

It was too obvious...


Why is she trying to let me remember that?

What is she trying to do?

Why does she even need to know about that?

Isn't she supposed to help me recover and not remember about that?

THERAPY ● Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now