Chapter 10

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"Come on Mont. Pleaseeeeee," the girl begged and whined as she stood in front of her boyfriend on her tippy toes, her arms around his waist and her chin on his chest as she looked up at him

Montgomery shook his head, "no way Lex, Im not dressing up in some stupid fucking costume," Montgomery replied and made sure not to look down at the girl in his arms. He knew she would be giving him her puppy eyes and he knew that once he looked into them, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from giving in to her wishes.

"Not even for me bub?" Alex asked and stuck her bottom lip out and moved her arms from his waist and put them around his neck and began to play with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck. He was a lot taller than her, she was only 5'1 while he was 5'11

With a small sigh he gave up and finally looked down at her with a small smile on his face, he looked into her gorgeous blue eyes and began to sway her in his arms softly, "Fine, only for you though," He grumbled out.

Alex cheered excitedly and pulled him down slightly and placed a bunch of kisses all over his neck and jawline and eventually his cheeks, "oh and there is a $200 prize money reward for the winners," Alex says with a wide smile

Montgomery grinned and bent down to place multiple kisses all over her face before pulling away and looking down at her with a sweet smile on his lips, "I don't care about the money Bub, as long as you are happy. I'm happy"

Montgomery lets out a small sigh before placing one last kiss on her head before opening the car door for her, "well we better head down to Walmart then" he says and shuts the door behind her.


Monty put the car in park and then turned it off before the two of them got out of the car. Monty was quick to grab her hand as they walked into the large shop and walked around the store to the costume aile.

After 10 minutes and small bickering, the two of them decided on purchasing the Joker and Harley Quinn costumes.

They went to the self checkout and paid for the costumes and then began to exit the store with Monty's arm around her waist as he held the shopping bag in his free hand. Her body was pressed against his just like how they liked it.

When they got back to the car and hopped into their seat, it was obvious to Alex that Montgomery wanted to tell her something by his sudden silence, "whats up Mon?" she asked softly

"h-hey can I stay at your house tonight please?" Montgomery asked her softly and couldn't bring himself to look at her due from the embarrassment he felt. He turned on the car and began to leave the carpark

This wasn't an uncommon question that she received from the boy, in fact she had received the question quite often and it was beyond understandable why he asked, she knew about his life at home. She didn't even take a second to ponder her answer as she said, "of course Monty, you don't even need to ask, just come over whenever you want to, you just have to come through the window so my dad doesn't see you"

"Are you sure? I mean your dad is just as bad as mine and I don't want to risk you getting into trouble, I could probably just stay at Bryce's house or something," Montgomery quickly spat out.

Alex reached over and placed her hand on his leg comfortingly, "Monty, you are always welcome to come to my house okay, as long as you come through the window it should be fine. Besides, i don't even know if my dad is home at the moment, but if he is, he is probably drunk of his fucking ass and passed out on the couch."

He took one hand off the steering wheel and reached over and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, "alright Bub."

"Bryce wants to go and grab some beer and meet down at blues so we can go there for a bit and then go home if you want," Montgomey suggested to her as he kept his eyes on the road and put his hand back on the steering wheel.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind." Alex says with a nod and a small smile. Montgomery nodded his head with a grin and then began to drive down to blues where they would meet the rest of the gang.


They pulled up to blues and got out of the car and began to walk to the side alley where they usually all hung out while they were there leaning against Bryce's truck.

"Hey boys!" Alexandra calls to them and gives them all a hug while Montgomery rolls his eyes and then pulls himself up onto the hood of the car and pulls her towards him so that she was standing in between his leg and she was facing him.

Alex wrapped her arms around Montgomerys waist and placed her head on his chest with a smile, snuggling into him.

"Alright, I'm gonna go in there and buy the beer and shit," Bryce says with a sigh and then walks back down the alley towards the entrance and then disappears as he turned the corner

"Well its good to see that you are out of hiding J, " Lexi says with a smile on her face as she looked over at her best friend who shrugged his shoulders with a grin

"yeah, well I needed some fresh air," he replied with a wide smile before adjusting the shades on his face. This seemed to gather Alex's attention as she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, though it only took a few moments for her to piece together that his mus current boyfriend had punched him in the face.

"Hey J, you know if you need somewhere to stay, my house is always open," she said with a soft sigh and a sympathetic smile. Justin gave her a small grateful smile and nodded his head softly.

Alexandra felt Montgomery tighten his grip around her waist so she buried her head back into his chest and looked up at him, placing a kiss on the bottom of his chin.

Bryce suddenly comes back around the corner with a large paper brown bag and he begins pulling beers out and handing one to each of them.

"Thanks Brycey," the girl muttered to him as he handed her a strawberry flavoured milk instead of an alcoholic drink.

Justin laughed at the girl, "I can't believe you actually like that shit," Justin said with a grin, shaking his head at her choice of drink, "it's foul."

"Shut up idiot," Alex joked back, wacking him on the arm softy

"Just wait guys, Jensen will be coming out of the shop any minute now," Bryce told them with a smirk on his face. It was only a few moments later when Clay passed around the corner and walked into the alley way that they were in and he went to throw the beer in the bin, unaware that they were all there.

"There he is! Jensen!" Justin called out loudly to him with a wide smirk and then the boys all began to cheer as Alex kept quiet. "Come drink with us, buddy!" Justin called as he walked over to Clay and grabbed onto his jumper and began to drag him back over to the group of boys and the one girl who was sending him a worried look, who now had her back pressed against Monty's stomach.

She gave him a look, hinting at him to get the hell out of there while he could but he ignored her. After finding out that there was a possibility of her being on the tapes, he wanted to stick around a bit more and see if there was some other side to her.

"Clay. Go," Alex stated firmly, giving up on just giving him a look, knowing damn well that he was ignoring her

"Aww come on Lex, no need to be a party pooper," Bryce said with a laugh and turned back to Clay, "come on Jensen, just give it a go."

"I uh, thanks but I gotta get home for dinner" Clay choked out, but as he looked at them all, he knew that he would be getting home late.

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