Betrayal of a Friend

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Y'all I need you to comment what you want to happen with the book, ive got so many ideas but I want to write what you guys want to read the most. Give me ideas I BEG YOU. Alright love y'all, enjoy the chapter <3

"Well did he say why he wanted to meet up?" Alex questioned in confusion, looking over at Monty as he put the car into park and then turned the ignition off. Monty turned to look at her, shrugging his shoulders softly, "its kind of weird for him to just ask to meet here and not give you any context or anything."

"Nah, he just said meet up at hobo hotel and that it was important," Monty said, "I've always got his back, so if he says its important than ive got to be there ya know," Monty shrugged simply before getting out of the car and walking to the back to grab all of their stuff. Alex opened her door, shutting it behind her quickly before jogging over to Monty, grabbing ahold of his hand before the two of them began the small walk to the building. 

It was dirty and completely covered from head to toe in graffiti but it was safe and they didn't have to worry about their fathers there because hardly anyone even knew that the place existed. 

The sound of bottles echoed softly as Monty carried a black plastic bag in his free hand, the bag filled with their food and water for the night (since they planned on staying there) and he had a backpack slung over his shoulder full of his and Alex's clothes that they would wear tomorrow, along with toothbrushes, a hairbrush and a few other things  

Monty noticed Scott sitting down on a chair out the front of the entrance, the unfamiliar look on his face caused a sudden uneasiness to fill the chest of Montgomery De La Cruz. Scott noticed the fresh black eye that Monty was sporting, along with the rest of the bruise that covered more than half of the right side of his face. 

"Hey Scotty," Monty said to the boy, walking past him to go and put his stuff down. Scott noticed the uncomfortable look on Monty's face and worried that Monty had already figured out what he was up to, but then reminded himself that if Monty knew, he wouldn't have brought Alex along. 

"Hey Reed," Alex smiled at him, but he didn't smile back, confusing the girl. He had messaged Monty to meet him there alone, he didn't want Alex to have to see this. But this was Monty and Alex that we are talking about... so of course, Scott wasn't exactly surprised when he saw the short girl trailing behind him

"Bryce is looking for you," Scott said to him

"You didn't tell him about this place did you?" Monty asked, an undertone of concern in his words as he placed his things down. Alexandra, Scott and Monty were the only three who knew about this place. Monty considered Scott Reed to be his best friend, someone he could trust more than anyone (besides Lexi of course). 

"No I told you, I never would," Scott said, standing up and then beginning to walk over to them. Alex turned to look at him, her head slightly tilting to the side as she eyed the boy. Something was off, there was something going on that he wasn't telling them about

"What's up Scotty? Why are you acting so weird?" Alex asked in confusion. Scott looked down at the ground for a few moments, a guilty look on his face. He felt bad for what he had done, but at the same time, he knew that it was the right thing to do. Monty had been fucking with other people really bad and Scott refused to just sit back any longer, he only hoped that it wouldn't mess up his friendships with Monty and Alex. 

"But who are you hiding from this time Monty?" Scott asked, ignoring Alex's question as Monty began to tip the drinks into one of the milk crates. Alex was looking between the two boys... had something happened? Something that she didn't know about?

"My dads on a fucking tear man, came after me with a hammer. So, a few days in the hobo hotel," Monty said, standing up straight, finally turning around to give Scott his full attention. "And how come you're here?"

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