Chapter 27

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"So?" Montgomery snapped, not seeing why he was the one getting blamed for the fight when it was clearly Alex Standall who was the one at fault here

"So the pedestrian has a right of way," Marcus said snappily over at Montgomery who rolled his eyes and slouched back into his seat

"That is the law," Courtney adds in a 'matter of fact' tone, backing up Marcus. Lexi and Monty both scoff and roll their eyes at the two while Alex just shakes his head softly and looks down at the ground

"And you were walking when he almost hit you?" Marcus asked Alex, already knowing the answer but persisting to ask the question anyway

"No of course not Marcus, he was hovering over the ground like a fucking alien," Lexi snapped sarcastically. Clay looked over at the girl with furrowed eyes and clear confusion written all over his face... he found it odd that she was acting this way, it wasn't like her.

His eyes trailed down to her neck and noticed that it was covered in bruises shaped like finger marks, and it was obvious that she had tried to cover them up with make-up.

Clay looked back up at her face and noticed that she was wearing a lot more make-up than usual and one of her eyes appeared to be swollen and a lot more darker than the other around the outside.

It was obvious that she had been beat, anyone who took a good look could see it. Clay's eyes trailed over to Montgomery with an angry and suspicious look on his face as he looked the man up and down

"Yes I was walking," Alex snapped, sending a small glare over to the girl who was sitting next to him. She still had her fingers intertwined with Montgomery's and her leg was bouncing up and down quickly, "and it wasn't just me. Heroji Pratt, Jin-seo Yo, Chase Parker. I don't know, they were all there."

"Yeah well you were the one who was acting like a fucking psycho. Calling my girlfriend names and shit," Montgomery seethed as he turned his head to look over at Alex aggressively 

"Hey! Watch your language," Mr Porter snaps angrily as he sends a harsh glare over at Monty who raises his free hand in surrender

"and you were reckless driving. You could have killed somebody. It's our jobs to protect the children of this school," Marcus informs them as if he were some kind of god or warrior

"Oh yeah? Cause you sure are doing a real good job of that," Alexandra scoffs and lets out a sarcastic laugh before glaring over at Marcus

"You? Protect the students at this school?" Alex asks, also clearly not agreeing with the words that had left Marcus' mouth

"Yes Alexandra and Alex, that is what the honour board is for. To settle disputes among students, so they don't spill out into the hallways," Marcus tells them with a small nod, trying his best to stay calm and not crack under the pressure that he was under from the two of them.

He was waiting for either of them to spill some of the secrets that he and many others had been trying so hard to keep, if people found out what he had done, his whole life would fall apart around him and all he would be able to do would be just sit there and watch it happen.

"Yeah, the honour board... cause you are all just sooo honourable," Alex exaggerates sarcastically 

"You lot should all be just SO proud of yourselves. Look at you all... solving all the problems in the school and making all of our lives better, making sure that we are the happiest we can be. You guys are obviously doing great you know, cause its not like Hannah Baker didn't just kill herself... its not like there are HUNDREDS of other kids in this school who have thought about ending it all," Alexandra snapped angrily, causing all of them to fall silent.

Not even the teachers knew what to say to her. Montgomery looked over at her, his eyes slightly widened as he tried to read her facial expression. He himself had thought of ending it multiple times, and he was sure that he would have if he hadn't had her.

But had she thought about killing herself? Was she on the edge like he found himself to be at so many times? He wondered if he was one of the reasons that she hadn't ended it... was he that special? Or was he nothing?

"A-Alex, this happened off campus so the alternative is the police," Mr Porter stuttered out to the platinum blonde boy who was on the verge of passing out due to getting the shit beat out of him

"Okay great, lets make the call then," Alex said and shrugged his shoulders, but he knew that they wouldn't be calling the police. The school didn't want that kind of attention, especially at the moment with all the Hannah Baker stuff happening, and he knew for sure that a few people on the honour board didnt want this getting out either

"No one needs to make the call," Courtney speaks up quickly, fear in her voice as she prayed that her secret wouldn't be spilled, her dirty little secret that could ruin her life, "there is no crime so we can deal with it here."

Alex knew that would be the answer, but the answer still seemed to piss him off anyways, "what, so anyone can get away with anything at this fucking school and no one gives a shit?" Alex asks angrily, suddenly feeling a desire for the cops to come and take Montgomery away

Lexi turned to face the boy, "shut the fuck up Alex, I swear to god," she snapped, fearful of what would happen to Monty if the police were called on him

"Language both of you, please," Mr Porter asked them once more, even though he knew that it was no use.

"We are just saying that it is no ones fault okay?" Courtney tried to explain to them, trying to calm the situation, though it clearly wasn't working, "Okay, it just happened."

"No, it didnt just fucking happen," Montgomery snapped angrily looking up at the girl at the desk who was getting on his nerves very quickly, "I mean sure, maybe I was driving a little too fast. But Alex was the one who lost his shit."

"Yeah see, I lost my shit. It was my fault. I was the one who was shit-talking Alexandra and I knew that it would spark a reaction out of him. It was obvious that I was looking for a fight as soon as I said something about her. Everybody knows that," Alex states as he looks at them all, "I lost my shit, so its my fault."

"God dammit, language!" Mr Porter yells angrily causing Alexandra to smirk over at the man in amusement, "Watch your language!"

"Sorry sir, but I'm pretty sure that the last time i checked, god dammit isn't exactly the right language to be using in school either," Lexi states as she gave the man a wide, sarcastic smile

"I'm taking some fuckig responsibility," Alex states angrily, causing Clay to look up from his drawing and to look over at Alex who was getting more and more angry as the seconds passed, "since you guys can't."

As Alexandra sent a death glare over at Courtney, the girl couldn't help but to shrink back into her chair as she felt like an ant. This was the Alexandra that Courtney feared most, the one that was angry and protective.

Courtney knew Lexi was waiting for her next words so Courtney trudged lightly and decided that she knew what she had to say next, "If Alex says that it is his fault, then it is his fault," Courtney choked out.

Lexi smiled sweetly over at Courtney who shuddered under the girls gaze. Lexi spoke up, "Look it was Alex's fault, we have now determined that so can we please go, I've got to leave class early for soccer training so I need all the time I can get," Lexi snapped, getting impatient

"Look it doesn't matter what Alex says, it wasn't his fault," Marcus snapped, getting annoyed at the girl, not caring that she had better things to be doing right now

"But it was his fault," Montgomery spoke up, also wanting nothing more in this moment than to leave

"No it was your fault," Marcus fired back, leaning forward in his seat to send a glare over at Monty from across the room

"Well since you are the one who is meant to be protecting the students of this school, then it seems like it was your fucking fault!" Lexi snapped over at the boy

"Maybe it's all your faults!"

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