Chapter 83

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"Hey Scotty, is it okay if we stay at yours tonight?" Alex called out with a mix of urgency and anxiety, her voice laced with uncertainty. She kept her phone up to her ear and listenied to her best friend, hoping for a positive response. The seconds stretched out, hanging in the air, before he finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, sure, that's cool," Scott replied, his tone reassuring but tinged with a touch of hesitation. He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes scanning the room as he weighed the decision. "My dad's not home, and Mom's just watching TV. She's not exactly thrilled about Monty, but she adores you, so it should be fine," he added, accompanied by a chuckle. It seemed to be a recurring pattern—Alex was loved by everyone, while Montgomery always struggled to gain their approval.

Relief washed over Alex as Scott's words sank in. She smiled gratefully, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "Thanks, Scotty. We'll be there soon," she responded, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. With that, she ended the call and turned to Montgomery, offering him a subtle nod. Understanding her unspoken message, Montgomery nodded back, his grip firm on the steering wheel as he started the car. Their journey to Scott's house began.

Silence enveloped the car, carrying the remnants of the night's events and leaving an awkward tension between the two teens. Alex, determined to break the ice, took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Thank you for tonight, Monty," she finally spoke up, her voice holding a mix of sincerity and vulnerability. "I know it didn't end well, but it truly was a great night, and you made me feel better."

Montgomery's gaze flickered from the road to Alex, a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes. He exhaled slowly, his voice filled with earnestness. "Hey, whoever was out there taking those pictures was probably just some 60-year-old creep looking for some sick thrill and something to jack off at. I'm sure everything will be fine," he reassured her, his hand finding hers on the center console. "And I had a good night too, Lex. It's always better when you're with me."

A small, genuine smile tugged at the corners of Alex's lips as she nodded, feeling a warm rush of comfort and reassurance. Yet, beneath the surface, an unsettling sensation lingered, tugging at her instincts. She couldn't shake off the feeling that the person capturing those photos was more than just a random stranger. However, she kept her unease to herself, not wanting to burden Montgomery with her apprehensions.

Finally, they arrived at the Reed household, the familiar sight offering a sense of relief. They ascended the steps to the front door, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet neighborhood. Montgomery raised a hand, knocking on the bold red wooden door, which seemed to hold countless memories within its frame. Moments passed before the door swung open, revealing Scott's welcoming smile.

"Hey, guys!" Scott greeted them, his voice brimming with warmth and genuine affection. He pulled Alex into a tight embrace, his arms enveloping her like a protective shield. Then, releasing her, he extended the same brotherly gesture to Montgomery, a firm "bro hug" that signified their bond. The trio stepped into the familiar embrace of Scott's home.

As they made their way into the cozy kitchen, the aroma of home-cooked meals filled the air. The soft glow of warm light cascaded over the polished countertops and inviting table, creating an atmosphere of comfort and togetherness. Scott's mother, a kind and nurturing presence, entered the room, her smile radiating genuine affection.

"Oh, Alex, my dear, it's wonderful to see you again," Mrs. Reed greeted her warmly, her voice carrying a touch of motherly care. She opened her arms, inviting Alex into a gentle hug, which Alex reciprocated with gratitude. Mrs. Reed had always been supportive, ensuring Alex felt at home and well-cared for in Scott's company.

"It's no problem at all, sweetheart. You're always welcome in my house," Mrs. Reed responded, her eyes glancing momentarily at Montgomery, her expression betraying a hint of reservation. She then shifted her gaze between her son and Alex, a subtle warning hidden beneath her kind words. "Alright, I'll leave you three to it. Just be mindful of causing too much trouble and don't eat all of our food," she added playfully before making her exit, casting one last disapproving glance in Montgomery's direction.

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