Chapter 22

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"no sir," Alex mumbled out as he looked up at the officer who was peering down at him through the window.

The officer looked towards the back seat one last time, his eyes lingering on the girl for a few moments before he looked back at Alex, "I suggest you drop these boys and this girl off and then get your ass home in time for dinner," The cop tells Alex, leaving everyone in the car except for Alex Standall with a confused look on their face

"will you be home in time for dinner?" Alex asks and avoids making eye contact with his father

"Tell your mum to save me a plate," Officer Standall instructs his son, "and stick to the speed limit kid because next time I will ticket you."

Officer Standall lets out a small sigh before standing up straight and tapping Alex on the shoulder softly, "seat belt." he mutters to his son

"Night dad," Alex muttered out and then pulled his seatbelt over his body and clipped it into the plastic clip that rested against his thigh. The cop walked back to his car and waited for them to leave.

If the circumstances had been different, the boys in the back would have been leaping for joy over the new found information about Alex's dad being a cop, but they were far too pissed at Alex at the moment to even care

"dude what the hell, you went way too fucking far," Zach growled angrily at Alex who was now driving at a normal speed with his lights turned back on, "you know lex hates being in cars after the accident and you just went 50 fucking miles over the speed limit even though she was freaking out!" Zach was pissed off and everyone could tell, but he wasnt the only one.

"Look Alex man and fucking listen to what I am about to tell you because i'm not fucking around. If you ever do something to freak her out like that again, I swear I will make you regret it," Justin snaps and both clay and Alex seemed scared, they had never seen either of the boys this angry.

Clay turned his head to look at them in confusion and slight fear, "but isnt Alex your friend?" Clay asked them, confused on why they had just threatened Alex so badly

"Yeah but don't you get it yet Clay? Nobody hurts our girl and gets away with it," Zach and Justin told him before looking down at the girl who had finally began to calm down as she rested in their arms.

Clay just looked out the front of the car and didnt say anything out loud. But all that was on his mind was how confusing the boys were, and one singular question.

Just how far were they willing to go to protect her?


Alex had dropped off Clay and then dropped Zach, Justin and Alexandra out the front of Bryce's house before driving off to get back home like his father had told him. The car ride had been silent and the trio had been quick to get out of the car, the two boys slamming the car doors shut after the three of them were all out.

"Jesus christ, I can't belive he took it that fucking far." Zach stated angrily, fuming as he pulled the girl in for a hug, making her feel safe as she stood in his arms, both of them having their arms wrapped around each other tightly.

"We can't tell Monty," Alex told them with a small sigh and both of the boys hated to admit it, but she was right. While they would feel a great satisfaction of seeing Montgomery deal with the problem, it would cause a lot more problems and it could go too far, especially if Alexandra wasnt there to stop the fight.

Alex pulled away from the hug with a small sigh. Zach delicately rubbed the few remaining tears off her face with his thumbs as Justin watched the two quietly. When they were growing up Justin, along with many other people, had pictured Alexandra getting together with either Zach or Jeff, so it had been a big surprise when her and Montgomery started dating.

Justin smiled softly as he watched the two interact with each other a few feet ahead of them before he cleared his throat softly, "come on guys, its fucking freezing out here and Lex, you look really tired, lets get inside okay." he told them and they pulled apart from each other while nodding their heads.

They walked around the side of the Walker household and went through the side gate which lead out to the backyard of the house. The walked over to the pool house, loud talking and laughing filled their ears. As usual, there was a bunch of the team hanging out at Bryce's house getting drunk and high while talking and playing video games.

They were greeted by the others as they walked in, wide smiles on everyones faces as Zach, Justin and Alexandra put fake smiles on their faces to hide what had just happened. And while everyone else fell for it, Montgomery could see right through Lexi's fake smile and he threw the controller onto the couch, loosing all interest for the game as he walked over to her quickly, concern on his face.

He grabbed her hand softly in his own and then pulled her outside of the pool house away from everyone and then finally began talking to her, "what's wrong?" he asked her quickly, worry in his voice as he looked down at her short figure

"what do you mean? Not-" she started but she was quickly cut off by Montgomery who didn't believe a single lie that was falling out of her mouth

"Don't lie to me kitten, I can tell when there is something that is upsetting you. You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked her softly, grabbing her face gently in his hands. As he examined her face, he could see how tired and stressed she look, and he could tell that she had been sweating, the roots of her hair were wet.

"It's nothing baby, it's probably just because i'm so tired." Lexi tells him softly and the truth was, she was tired. She was exhausted, mentally and physically. And she was tired of everything. "I think I might actually head home." she tells him and a yawn falls from her lips.

Montgomery knew that she wasn't lying about being tired, he had noticed the bags under her eyes over the past few weeks, but he was sure that there was something that she wasnt telling him. Someone had done something to upset her, he was sure of it. And when he found out who it was, he was sure that he would make them pay.

For a few moments, he had wondered if Zach or Justin had done something to hurt her, but even he knew that they would never intentionally hurt her. He let out a small sigh, pulling the girl into his arms, "alright, come on baby, lets get you home." he mutters to him softly, earning a small grateful hum from the girl

"Can we quickly go and say goodbye first?" She asked him softly and he pulled away from the hug and grabbed her delicate hand in his rough one. He didn't say anything, his mind was buzzing as he tried to figure out what could of happened to her. He just nodded his head and allowed her to tug his arm back to the pool house so that they could say their goodbyes and then head back to her house.

"Just remember that I have to leave early tomorrow for cheer practice okay, you can sleep in though." She told him and kissed him on the cheek before they walked into the pool house where everyone else was.

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