tipsy (1)

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**smut included in later parts

written in second person POV


"Hey, Jo, it's time to go. You're drunk," you told your girlfriend after patting on her shoulder to get her attention. She had been drinking like a pirate at the Oscar After Party. She finally got a golden statuette for her excellent performance in her latest movie. She was on cloud nine tonight. You let her party like a college student while you stayed sober the whole night because you had to drive her home.

"No, I'm not drunk. C'mon, babe, let's dance!"

"Scarly, it's late. Everybody is leaving."

"No, Brie is still there," she pointed towards a random waitress and shouted, "Hey, Brie, come here! Prove to my annoying girlfriend that she is wrong!"

"That's a random waitress named Janice. Brie left half an hour ago. It's just you, me, the bartenders, the waiters, the janitors, people who are wasted like you, and people who are persuading their wasted partner to go home like me."

"Ugh, no! I don't wanna go home! Goddamnit! Y/n! Put me down!" she yelled at you as you carried her on your shoulder. Thank God she is shorter and somewhat lighter than you. She tried to fight for her freedom but failed because she was hammered. You asked the valet to drive your car to the front door so your famous girlfriend and you would get off the paparazzi's radar. You put her in the backseat, strapped her up with the seatbelt so she would not move around while you were driving, then proceeded to the driver's seat and drove home.

She is the worst backseat passenger ever when she is drunk. She kept calling your name with an annoyed tone and her hands kept reaching for you while you were concentrating on the road. She was craving your attention. You tried to reason with her, but, of course, you failed. There is no point in reasoning with a drunk person that has no idea who she is anymore. She groaned every time you told her that you were driving and was very close to throwing a tantrum.

"Y/n, look at me. Why don't you look at me? Fuck you, y/n. Y/n, do you even understand English? I say look at me," she slurred while lying on the seat, trying to get your attention. You had no idea what she was up to but you could not divert your attention from the road.

"I can't, babe. I'm driving," you replied softly.

"Fuck driving. No, don't fuck driving. Fuck me," she said and giggled at herself, "come on, baby. I know you want that pussy."

"No, I can't. I'm driving. And you're drunk as fuck," you turned her invitation down. You should have known what was coming because she gets horny every time she is drunk. She was clearly annoyed by it.

"Just pull up at the side of the road! Do you know how to park? Did you pass your driving test? Is your driver's license even genuine?"

"I know! Who the fuck has been driving you around these days? But I'm not stopping to fulfill your needs. At least get back home first, Jesus Christ."

"Nooo, I need you now," she groaned and reached her hand to you and grabbed your arm. You shoved her hands off as she was bothering you.

"I'm fucking driving! Stop grabbing my hand!" you exclaimed.

"Ugh, someone doesn't love me now!"

"I love you, but for fuck's sake, I am driving. Do you wanna wake up and see yourself at the hospital and the news headline be something like 'Scarlett Johansson gets into Serious Car Accident'?" you came back as fast as lightning.

"So, pull up at the roadside!"

"No, we're home now."

Fortunately, your home is only half an hour away from the venue, and the traffic in the Big Apple was quite light at night. You parked at the front yard after closing the main gate. You let out a quiet sigh before unlocking the car door as you can finally rest after a long day. However, things went another way as you opened the backseat door and unbuckled your girlfriend's seatbelt.

"I need to get your drunk ass out- Scarlett Ingrid Johansson! What the fuck? Let me go!" you yelled at her after she pulled you into the car. She wrapped her hands around you, clenched them tight, and trapped you in them.

"Haha! Fuck me in exchange for your freedom," she threatened. You did want to fuck her. Who wouldn't want to fuck your hot girlfriend? People on the Internet were thirsty for her. If you were not as tired as a dog and she was not wasted, you would really fuck her. You would fuck her till her toes curl. You would fuck her till she forgets what her name is. You would fuck her till she goes to heaven and pulls her back again.

"Babe, you're tired. I'm tired too. Maybe next day," you turned her invitation down again.

"Well, in that case," she paused. 

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