gold rush

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"Everybody wants you, everybody wonders what it would be like to love you." — Taylor Swift, gold rush.

A/N: Let's pretend Scarlett is tall and NOT tiny

*angst + SMUTS*


"Excuse me," Scarlett cuts in on the conversation between me and Kristen. She is wearing an unusual smiley face — a smile that can send shivers down one's spine and that is different from her usual sunshine smile. Her hand slides into mine and squeezed it tight like she is trying to crush my phalanges. She announces, "I'm sorry, Y/n, come with me."

She forcibly drags me to her bedroom and slams the door shut. The blasting music and people's talking voice outside are now deadened. Before I can ask what's on her mind, she blurts out a question first, "what now?"

"What?" I ask. Her question is even confusing than her action. I have no idea what I have done that goes under her skin at her party. Minutes ago I was talking with her guest, now she locks me in the bedroom with her, interrogating me like I have committed a crime.

"Oh, now you're acting innocent. Where's the hoe y/n?" She questions with her hands on her hips. I can sense a bit of unfriendliness from her tone.

"What are you talking about?"

"Flirting with another girl? At my party? In my house? Under my eyelids?"

"I'm single and available. I can talk to whoever I love."

"Why don't you talk to me then?"

"Because others will entertain you," I reply impatiently. She is being unreasonable, and it annoys me. Her tone and her action are weird. She has never been so protective.

"Well, I'm the person you love. So you should talk to me since you want to talk to people you love," demands Scarlett.

"Ma'am, you're overthinking. We're just friends-"

"Lie!" She yells and steps in closer. I take a few steps back as she approaches. Out of the blue, she smashes her lips on mine. Her eyes shut tight, but in contrast, my eyes are wide open as I am startled and slightly offended. Her lips are sweet, intoxicating, but they aren't yours to savor, even though I have yearned for it since we first met.

"What the fuck are you doing, Scarlett Ingrid Johansson?" I push her away and wipe off her saliva on my lips, "who do you think you are?"

"Don't you dare- Y/N! You know how much I love you, and I know you love me. Why can't we be together? Why are you shutting me out?" Her voice trembles as she spits out more and more questions that turn themselves into arrows and pierce through my heart.

None of her words are false. I do love her, and it hurts to tell her the truth, "because I can't."

"Why?" She sounds like she is demanding an answer.

I pause. I hate to think about why I can't love her. The reason aches my heart. I love her not only to the moon but to the edge of the universe and back. She is perfect, she is my world, my universe, the love of my life, but she can never be mine.

"See? You don't even have a reason why you can't be with me. Listen to your heart, Y/n. Love me. Take me."

"Scarlett, do you have any idea how many people want you?" I finally gather myself up enough to confess my feeling deep down in my heart, "Look out there, how many people wanna say something along the line, 'Scarlett Johansson is my fucking girlfriend.' You're loved by everyone who has seen you in real life or even never meet you before. Do you have any idea who I need to compete with? You're like a California Gold Rush. Everybody wants you! And too bad, I. Hate. It. I quit. Because I know I'll fail. I don't stand a chance, Scarlett. You're way out of my league. I can't-"

Scarlett Johansson x Female Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now