the missing piece (1)

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A/N: tbh what a cheesy title 


*written in first-person POV

*/kinda getting cheesy and corny at the end :/

In LA, no matter how unrelated your career is, you will always end up working for the entertainment industry and I do too. My lecturer was hired as the consultant for the new sci-fi film and I, as an assistant, got the chance to spend my time on the film set too. I was thrilled because I saw the news that my celebrity crush, Scarlett Johansson was going to star in that film. At first, we used to talk with each other a lot on the set, hang out around the set, and I even got the chance to go to the parties she hosted. People always think that we are secretly dating because of how rigid the sexual tension between us was. However, after some events happened, she left some scars on my brain and I came to a conclusion — she is not only a diva but also, a homophobe. Since then, the perception of her in my mind had changed drastically and I stopped being around her again.

Things never turn out to be the way we wanted. Fate will always spice things up just for a little fun and game. Everything was working together to stress me out. I felt like I was missing something, but couldn't quite catch which part of me was incomplete. To throw away my worries, I decided to pick up the hobby that I abandoned due to my busy college student life — running. I used to run at least three times a week at a gym near my rented apartment. Running was the remedy to my anxiousness and depressive moods. I had a feeling that this was the time to reconnect with my old love again.

When I was running on the treadmill at the gym, I heard some noises coming from the entrance. I usually stuff my ears with a pair of earphones to let the sound of music take over my world, but the chaos was too hard to neglect. I turned towards the source of sound and immediately caught a glimpse of the face that I had been trying to avoid all of the time, Scarlett Ingrid Johansson. She entered the gym with a swarm of fans wooing her. Her bodyguards said something to the receptionists and now only the people in the gym were allowed to exit and exit only whereas the people outside would have to wait till the superstar left the gym if they wanted to use it.

"Such a diva," I rolled my eyes and muttered after seeing the scene she made. I could NOT stand being in the same room with her. But, she knows me. If I walked to that door now, she'd definitely call out my name. Then, I'd have to act all friendly and nice and suffer while having small talk with her. So, I pretended as nothing happened and paid all my attention to the treadmill.

She was deadlifting with her personal trainer at one corner of the gym. She nailed the posture - standing with her legs shoulder-width apart at first, grasping the bar with her hands just outside the legs, and lifting the bars by driving her hips forward- No. I shouldn't be looking at her. I had no idea how my eyes traveled to where she was. I shook my head and tried to focus on my breath and coordinate my body. And then I caught her doing squats. Wait, why were my eyes on her again? I let out a long sigh. Even if her personality was awful, I still couldn't take my eyes off her tantalizing body. Gosh, when have I become such a shallow person? I couldn't do this anymore. I had to leave the gym earlier that day. I slowed down my pace and eventually came to the end of my running session.

After getting down from the treadmill, I grabbed my water bottle in my bag and chugged some water while wiping the sweat flowing down my face and neck with my towel. The ice-cold water flowed down my throat, bringing the refreshing and rewarding sensation after an intense workout session with its sweet and crisp taste. I let out a satisfying breath after gulping down the water, but it was embarrassingly loud. Thank God the gym was empty except for me, Scarlett, her trainer, and a few receptionists behind the counter who were all busy looking into their phones. Strangely, I still felt like being watched. I followed my intuition and turned around to see Scarlett nervously turn her head back to where she was supposed to look. My eyes went wide. I am 100% positive that she knew my existence in the same room with her at the moment. I figured that it would be better if I headed to the shower before she finished her workout routine.

I was basically darting to the bathroom even though I promised myself to not be weird. Fortunately, no one cared about my unnatural behavior. I locked myself in one of the stalls to properly indulge myself in the warm shower. The lukewarm water streamed down every inch of my skin, loosening up the tense feeling of my muscles, and relaxing every nerve endings of my body. There was one thing about showers that you can't deny - you don't want to go in but you don't want to get out of it either. I stayed in the shower as long as possible even though I had done washing my body, face, and hair. The enjoyment lasted until I heard someone open the door of the bathroom.

I quickly turned off the showerhead and wiped my body with my towel as fast as lightning, barely drying any patch of my skin. When I reached for the hook on the door, I was surprised when I couldn't find my bag there. Suddenly, it hit me. I left my bag at the sink out there because I thought nobody would come into the bathroom. I screwed up. I had to choose between wrapping my body with my towel and going out to get my clothes, or shouting at whoever it was outside of the stall for her to lend a helping hand. I chose the former, obviously. I panically unlocked my stall and pulled back the door. The first thing that I saw was the last thing I wanted to experience ever in my life. Scarlett freaking Johansson was standing in front of me, looking at me from the mirror after washing her face with tap water.

"Hi," she greeted me with a smile.

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