truth or dare

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"I got so brave drink in hand, lost my discretion," — Katy Perry, I Kissed a Girl

A/N: The fact that this song was partly inspired by Scarlett >>>>>>>>

TW: smut, infidelity


Wine glasses clinking, giggles, and the sound of two people talking — it was a girl's night at Scarlett's house. She called me without any warning earlier that night, telling me that her boyfriend was out of town and she wanted me to come over. The request itself was hard to turn down, let alone the person who made it. A few moments later, I found myself sitting on the same couch with the woman I had a secret crush on, debating on whether we should play the customary slumber party game — truth or dare.

"C'mon, it'll be fun," begged Scarlett.

"I'm an open book to you," I said, "There's no point at playing this game when we know each other so well."

"Oh, really? You think you know me well?" Asked Scarlett.

"Maybe not as much as your little boyfriend but at least my knowledge about you is sufficient to pass a friendship test."

"Then, let's play 'truth or dare' to find out."

"How can this game find out how much I know about you?"

"We'll see. Y/n, truth or dare," she began the game.

"You're so childish," I complained, but I liked the childlike side of her. I shook my head and sighed before answering, "Truth."

"Great!" An evil grin crept on her face. I instantly knew that there was something on her mind, and it definitely was not something good — for me, at least.

"Y/n, do you have a crush?" She asked. How innocent she was — not knowing that my crush was sitting right in front of me, playing a boring drinking game with me, and spending the night with me. Even though I was hanging out with my crush, I did not think I would get anything that night other than ranking up on her list of friends. But that did not stop me from telling her the truth, "Yes, I have."

"Oooh, do I know him? Her? Them? What's their name?"

"Her. I can't tell you her name but I can tell you that you know her very well. Let me love her in secrecy," I said. Not a single lie in my answer. Ruining our friendship that night was the last thing I would ever want to happen in my life. Plus, she had a boyfriend. Too bad, she had a boyfriend.

"Fine," she said with a down-turned mouth. "It's your turn. C'mon, ask me or dare me to do something big."

"Truth or dare, Miss Johansson?" I asked.

"Dare" She exclaimed almost instantly.

"Hmmm..." I needed something more exciting, something adventurous, something... riskier. Perhaps it was the influence of alcohol, I adjusted to a more comfortable sitting position and said, "I dare you to kiss me."

She nearly choked on her wine after hearing my request. "Really?"

"It's a dare. C'mon. On the cheek. Just a little peck," I loosened the requirement, although I desperately wanted her to kiss me on my lips.

A few giggles escaped from her mouth before her next move. Out of the blue, she leaned towards me like a predator pounced forward to its prey. The smell of her fragrance — or her breath — swirling up my nostrils each time I breathe in. My thumping heart was trying to escape my chest when she got closer and closer. I had no idea what I had signed up for, but I loved it.

Scarlett Johansson x Female Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now