jet lag pt.1

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POV: Lost in Translation but make it wlw and we're not in Tokyo but a small town

"Do you got plans tonight?" — Shawn Mendes, Lost in Japan

Traveling is fun and games unless you did not beat the mortal enemy of traveling, jet lag. Three days earlier I stepped into this country because of work, but jet lag still held onto me and messed with my body's circadian rhythm till this day. I had spent three nights in a row at the open-air bar up on the balcony of the hotel I was staying to numb my lagging brain and hope to get some sleep after poisoning it.

Usually, the bar was quite empty by the ungodly hour, but when the elevator door opened as it arrived at the highest floor of the building today, the sound of people talking and laughing filled the air. Feeling puzzled, I peeked at the most crowded table in the scene. No way. That table was occupied by a group of Hollywood blockbuster film stars who were all having a great time, except the only woman in the group, Scarlett Johansson. Her atypical body language and zipped closed mouth made me wonder what the group was talking about until they had built a thin layer of wall between them and her.

Nevertheless, she was as heavenly as usual, sitting there elegantly even though she did not seem quite fit into the male-dominated group, sipping drinks from glass from time to time, doing nothing but stealing my breath and attention away. The moment she turned her glimpse to my may was the moment I realized I had stared at her for too long. My eyes escaped her glance and pretended as if nothing happened. I knew I failed when she stood up and moved away from her seat.

"Hey," a low, raspy voice that I often heard on the silver screen but never in real life shocked me. I turned around and saw the exact person in my mind and prepared for every consequence after behaving like a creep. Her hand was holding a glass of whiskey identical to the one I had in my hand.

"Hey," I forced a smile and replied, "the well-known Scarlett Johansson."

She giggled shyly upon my compliment. Her real-life smile was more charming than her movie smile. Maybe this is because of how sincere her smile was at that moment in contrast with her acting smile. However, regardless of which kind of smile she was wearing, it would be contagious and manipulate the corner of my mouth to move upwards too. Though I still felt a little uncomfortable, her smile did soothe the stubborn malaise that had been staying in my body for the past few days since I landed in this country. I wished the smile that I gave her could be as genuine I wanted it to be but my head was not functioning well.

The little laugh was followed by silence. She felt a little uneasy. She wanted the conversation to go on, at least that was what I thought, but she did not know how. I asked her to sit by my side, despite my mind was still trying to adapt to the strange environment. She did not hesitate to accept it, which made me sigh in relief internally.

It was so surreal to have a Hollywood star, not an ordinary one, but a famous famous Hollywood star, sitting by my side. Lady Fortuna was doing her magic, I guessed, but I could not wrap my head around the fact that an admired Hollywood star was willing to sit at the same table with me. My heart was beating faster than it should be and my hands were sweating. I had no idea what would come next.

"So, what are you staying here for?" She broke the silence.

"Work. How about you?"

"Me too."

"New movie soon, huh?"

"Yeah," she reservedly nodded and asked, "what do you do?"

"Nothing as interesting as yours," I smiled as I tried to run away from her question.

"C'mon, you know my job but I don't know yours? How's it fair?" She joked.

"Fine, I'm an *insert your occupation*," I answered reluctantly.

"That's way more interesting than being an actor," she said and made me laugh. I disagreed with her opinion but she insisted on her point. The distinction in view led to a quick squabble but eventually wrapped up when both of us agreed to disagree. The small argument did break the ice and heat the chemistry between us, making both of us more comfortable with each other's company.

Out of curiosity, I asked, "so, why don't you sit with your co-star?"

She took a deep breath before answering my question and said, "Honestly, I don't quite feel connected to them. I feel like an outlier to that bunch of dudes. There are other female co-stars too but they are having a good night's sleep. How I wish I could sleep, but I can't. Fuck jet lag. By the way, why are you still up? Shouldn't you get some sleep since your work relies on your brainpower?"

"I can't, too. Fuck jet lag," I cursed. The fact that we would have something in common caught me off guard. This was the first time I felt connected to somebody in this foreign land but the feeling was elusive. She was not mine to keep. We were not even friends. Everything I felt today would be gone tomorrow, no matter how much I did not want it to. Admiring her face in silence was the only thing I could do to preserve this feeling and memory.

"Do you got plans tonight?" She turned her head up slowly and looked at me.

"Except for intoxicating myself with alcohol, no," I shook my head.

"Awesome," she leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "let's get the fuck out of here, secretly. Let's get lost tonight. Out of the hotel, out of public sight. Don't let anybody know."

Scarlett Johansson x Female Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now