2. Rosa's Cafe

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Trigger Warning: eating disorder

Head feeling heavy after finishing working an entire week at my new job. I didn't realise it was finally the end of the week until I was walking back home on Friday.

I still have yet the pleasure to meet Dr Dumas as he was called back to Greece for urgent business, but I had already met some great co-workers and felt like I was working at a good pace, my own pace.

It was quite late when I finished work, but Rosa's was still open, so I walked in and was greeted with the quiet hum of the machinery and chatter, as well as the decadent aroma of coffee.

I saw Marie, the ageing owner, swipe her loose grey silk like hair behind her ear and sort the cakes on the shelf. She had most probably the kindest eyes ever to exist. The only eyes that I've ever seen reflect concern over me...

I smile at her and ask for a bottle of water. She hesitates but proceeds to serve me. Just as I grab the bottle she holds my hand gasping at its iciness and questions me.

"Wouldn't you prefer a cup of coffee or a warm ice bun, my dear?" I shake my head at her question. Marie has known me for 2 years and knows about my disordered eating, especially after fainting in her shop a while back, after which she practically forced me to eat something.

She was a caring woman and in those 2 years I have never brought anything other than a bottle of water. I don't even care to glance at the cakes and pastries. As wonderful as they looked, they just couldn't tempt me. Not even Liz could coax me to go eat with her during breaks at work, but I would regret it after as I was afraid our friendship would be impacted, but nonetheless we were still quite close...

Maybe I should go get lunch with her, but armed with a good excuse as to why I wasn't eating.

I was nothing without my discipline.

I gave her a last tight smile and walked to my spot in the corner surrounded by comforting red walls. Along with the slow soft haze of the late evening glow of the night sky, I can't help but sigh in peace. I take out my book 'The Collector' by John Fowles and start to read, letting myself get transported to a new world. I didn't even notice how caught up in the book I was until I heard a voice above me.

"We all want things we can't have. Being a decent human being is accepting that." He said smugly. He knew his books, that's for sure. His bright spirit is too contagious, I couldn't help but smile at him.

Cassius Ardent.

Sadly I hadn't seen him after our first meeting but Liz had told me he's worked at the museum for 5 years and he's actually the owner of the private security firm the museum hired. Regardless, he was a very impressive man.

His broad figure towered over me as he asked me whether he could sit opposite me. I nodded instantly, especially after reading this book. A kind-hearted conversation would be great.

While playing with the pages of my book I asked timidly, "Do you like to read Cassius?" He grinned, "My grandmother likes to, I just picked up the habit from her."

It then dawned on me that I have never actually seen him at Rosa's before so I asked him why he was here now.

"I asked Liz to suggest a good coffee place, and she says you mentioned this place in passing. I've actually been coming here for a few days now." I nod in understanding, remembering how Liz asked me a few days ago. He then holds a finger up and heads towards the counter asking Marie for a black coffee and an apple crumble muffin.

As he heads back to the corner, Marie smirks in my direction and offers me a quick wink. I look back in surprise, but smile at Cassius nonetheless.

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