11. Going Home

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As we leave the hospital, I can't help but shiver due to the cold and thus causing my ribs ache more. Charlie and Alex really did a number on me, and I can't even remember it.

Cassius places his sweater from his bag on top of me to help combat the icy air and then helps me into the back of his car while he and Liz sit in the front of car quietly.

Hesitantly, I stare at my reflection in the window, trying to see the damage. I can faintly see the stitches on my right eyebrow, which is still swollen, and my jaw and cheek which is bruised.

God, I not only looked a mess, I felt a mess.

They both helped me into my apartment, helping me to sit down on the worn out battered sofa.

My apartment didn't have anything that was personal on the walls, but it was somewhat familiar, not homely at all through.

A hundred times better than the hospital though.

I could see them both whispering in the corner while worriedly looking at me, making me quite angry.

They knew I could see them, right?

"Um, thank you guys for helping but you can go now. I can't really walk you to the door at the moment, but I'm sure you can find it," trying to keep the frustration out of my voice.

They look at me pained as I pick up my laptop, biting my lip in pain, and start working, since I haven't got anything else to do.

Liz cuts off my focused state abruptly. "Alettra, you know the museum is giving you as much time off as you need."

I shake my head. Time off wasn't necessary.

Liz nudges Cassius, who then mutters a quick sorry to me before grabbing my laptop off me.

I whine, making Liz roll her eyes and Cassius laughs slightly but my sharp glaze stops him.

Cassius then starts "Alettra, someone needs to stay with you, maybe you can ring your parents."

Oh God no.

I shake my head, but Cassius continues "Alettra, someone needs to be with you, you have bruised ribs, you can't move by yourself."

I want to fight back, but my head is starting to kill me and just the thought of attempting to walk to my bedroom pains me more. I give in tirelessly, but refuse to let my mother see me like this.

Before I could ask Liz, I remember that her sister and adorable niece is coming over this week and I don't want to ruin that for her.

"Cassius, you can say no of course but, do you think you could stay wit-"

Before I can finish, he eagerly replies with a quick yes, looking down sheepishly. Liz then leaves us with a grin.

I look at Cassius and ask him to help take me to bed, wanting it desperately to be a new day... Everything will be better tomorrow.

He complies but rather than takes me in my wheelchair, he picks me up instead.

This would be swoon worthy in any other situation, but my pride was hurt. I mean, I'm able to move myself...

"Don't you want something to eat?", he asks and I shake my head.

Sleep is what I want.

"Then I'll sleep on your sofa. If you need anything just call for me," he says before landing a kiss on my cheek, hesitating for a second. He still seems down, most probably still feeling guilty.

Sleep will be good for both of us.

When I wake up it's 6 in the morning, and my whole body is sore and my head still banging.

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