35. Back Again

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My time in Greece was over, I was allowed to go back home a week early, so I thought I would just leave without telling anyone. The people at the Greece museum threw a party for me leaving, and honestly I was going to miss them too. My bump was small, but noticeable. I would wear baggy clothing to hide it, not wanting to cause a fuss. No one noticed.

Blending into the back was a talent of mine. Life in the spotlight wasn't for me. I remember being too nervous just answering questions at school, I would just shake my head no or shrug, even if I did know the answer. I was already a quiet child, so my silence meant teachers would assume I was mute. I played into it as well, as long as I didn't have to speak. That was until when I was eight and my mother got my report card, that said I needed to participate more in class. She was livid, saying I was never going to mount to anything if I kept my mouth shut.

I wonder if my child will be like that. Timid to the point they don't say anything for days sometimes. I wouldn't even know what to do, I mean though my mother's tactic was mean, it worked. Technically. From that day on I made sure to at least answer one question a day and then revert back to silence. I somewhat hope my child isn't at all like me, it would be better for them.

I was eating quite well, it's easier to eat now actually, mostly because this isn't about me anymore, but about the baby. I've been told it's not the healthiest coping strategy since the baby will be out of my body in another 3 months. What am I gonna do, start not eating again? There are precautions in place however, a whole support network ready to help. I just need to push my pride aside, and ask for it when needed. I still spoke to Liz on Skype a lot, who always commented on how I was 'glowing.' It makes me laugh, but somehow I always thought she knew.

Like one pregnant lady can tell if another was also pregnant - it was freaky.

My mother most probably called me a total of four times in five months, it was actually more than what I expected from her. During one of my therapy sessions, I had reached the conclusion that rather than be afraid that I haven't had the best example of a mother, I now know what not to do. It's a learning process like most things, motherhood isn't always natural. My mother learnt, I was the first so maybe that's why she made so many mistakes, things she didn't do with my younger sisters. I don't really blame her, it was our relationship now.

I walked through the airport, wearing a simple baggy purple sweater and jeans, hoping my bump was still covered. I see all the other passengers running towards family and friends here to take them home, and I smile. The excitement of them all was contagious. I was finally home.

I found a taxi and before I could stop myself I gave him Cass' address. There's a gnawing thought invading my happiness, what if he's not happy to see me? What if I've caught him at a bad time? I placed my hand on my bump, and breathed in slowly. I smile slightly, I'm not alone no matter what happens.

As I take in his house, a rush of nostalgia hits me. This is my happy place, Greece was paradise, but here is my sanctuary. I hesitantly knock on his door. I hear nothing for a good 30 seconds, until I knock again. Cass comes to the door shirtless, hair wet and doesn't look my way. "Ron, you pick your moments, I told you I'll meet you later in my office, not in the goddamn morning." I only caught a glimpse of his face, but I can't help the electric shock that runs through my body.

God, I missed this man.

He walks back into the living room, leaving the door open for me to follow. I just ruined the man's shower, I can't be rude and come into his house uninvited. Ron was actually the one invited. Another main reason why I didn't follow was because I was so entranced. The man was even more gorgeous than before... How is that even fair?

Seeing that he's not coming back, I walk into his house taking in the familiar surroundings, briefly looking at the library in yearning. I missed that too. I walk in further to see him standing by the sink washing some pans. His bare back showing his rippling muscles as he moves. My pregnant hormones are going crazy.

Unable to withstand my need to feel him, I try to get his attention. "Cassius..." I see his body still, unsure of what he heard he shakes his head and carries on washing up. I have to stifle a laugh, he was so endearing. "Sweetheart..." He stills again, hands still in the sink. His head turns in mine direction and his beautiful ocean eyes widen. He dries his hands, his eyes never leaving mine, as if I will disappear if he does.

As he walks closer to me I can't stop myself from running into his arms, careful not to let him feel my bump. Cass just looks down at me, still in shock. Well, if he is struggling with this, I wonder what his reaction would be to my- no our baby.

He slowly cradles my face with his always warm hands and heartily asks, "Are you real?" I giggle at his dumbfounded expression, and feel the strongest need to tease him. "Maybe you should kiss me to find out?" He grins, and fervently kisses all over my face making us both giggle. His soft and enthusiastic lips landed on my cheeks, eyes and forehead over and over again. I hold his face in my hands, tired off this game, bring his lips to mine.

Our giggles seize, and we kiss as if we had been starved for months, which we had been. His hands tangle into my hair and I kiss becomes more passionate. That's mostly my fault, I've missed him. He pulls back equally as out of breath as me and breaks into a large smile, which I return tenfold. God, this was better than I could have ever thought. He pulls me close, and hugs me tightly.

"I need to tell you something Cass." He looks at me, his expression scared and waits for me to continue. I open my mouth only to be cut off with his phone ringing. He looks equally as annoyed as me, goes to look at it, before pressing decline. He looks at me to continue and I go to say it, just for phone to ring again.

Letting out an irritated huff I can't stop the words from rushing out of my mouth. "I'm pregnant Cass." He stills looking at me even wider eyed than before. Wanting to clear his mind of doubts and worries I quickly carry on, "I'm five months pregnant, it's yours. I also understand if you're not ready, I'l- we'll be fine an-'' Suddenly my phone goes off, signalling a call.

What on Earth is happening.

I look to see it's Liz and I pick up out of habit, only to be met with a ear piercing scream. "ALETTRA, THE BABY'S COMING." I look up to see Cass' glaze fixed on my stomach. Needing to get his attention again, I hit his chest. He wakes up, and looks at my phone startled. "Liz, where are you?" I can work out she's in the hospital, but Andreas isn't with her. Oh no.

He springs into action and grabs my hand leading us to the car, and I focus on talking to Liz as she's in labour, the conversation with Cassius can be picked up at another time, Liz needs us.


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