37. Staying Together

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We head back to Cass' home after spending time with Liz, Andreas and Nicholas. God, that baby was adorable.

We entered his house still not talking to each other. I noticed Cass' silence when Liz ranted about our child coming into the world. I wonder what he was thinking, but I have to be fair. I had two months to process this, he also needs his own time.

I go to pick up my suitcase and move towards him to tell him I'm leaving, I already had a room set at my old apartment complex waiting for me to move in.

"Where are you going?" I turn to look at him and tell him my situation and I tell him I can give him as much space as he wants. Cassius looks at me confused eyebrows furrowing, he grabs my suitcase from my hands. "Alettra, would you like to stay here?"

His question shocks me, it's odd we were sort of living together before I left. It shouldn't be weird to carry on our relationship from where we left off, but it seems off.

Cass reads the apprehensive look on my face and tells me I can have my own room, if that's more comfortable and that we can go slowly. I give him a pointed look, my hands emphasising my stomach. "A bit late for slow, isn't Sweetheart." He laughs and takes me in his arms, softly kissing my lips.

"Well, I also have a library, I remember that persuaded you last time." I laugh, throwing my head back and jokingly agree to move in straight away. He further mocks me, bringing his hand to his chest. "Miss Reddy, please don't tell me you're only with me for my book collection." I shake my head, "That's not the only reason I'm with you Cass," I tease running my finger down his torso, marvelling at the muscles under his shirt. His eyebrows shoot up, and I ruin it by whispering in his ear, "I'm with you because you do all the cleaning."

We both laugh, feeling into a comfortable atmosphere we were both used to. That we both missed.

"So when did you find out you were pregnant?" I smile fondly at the memory that I could one day be telling my child. I told him I found out right before his phone call from the hospital. He takes it in, most probably wishing I had told him then. Nonetheless, even though I know he's with me now, I still wouldn't have been able to handle the pressure of Cass knowing I was carrying his baby.

"But you fainted then, was it because of the baby. Was the-", I silence him with a kiss. "I'm fine Cass," and I bring up his hand and place it on my bump and watch his eyes drift down. The thought of Cass seeing, let alone feeling my new - larger body makes me hesitant. Then I realise this isn't about the way my body feels, but introducing Cass to his baby.

"We're fine." Cassius let's out a smile and looks away swiping a few tears away from his eyes.

I bring up the topic of my eating disorder, knowing he wants to ask. He has a right too. We both keep our gaze down at our hands on my stomach, and I ramble. "...I learnt that if the baby deserved food, then so did I. I also deserved to eat." I look up to see Cass staring at me with love and I smile, feeling truly happy.

He leans forward to connect our lips, but something interrupts us. Or more like someone. The baby kicks our hands and I let out a gasp of excitement.

"Oh my God, that was the first time they've kicked." Cassius laughs still looking in astonishment. That was a really strong kick. I could already see the love in Cass' eyes directed at my stomach. I swallow down the possibility that my ED could ruin everything.

Suddenly, my food alarm rings, signalling it's time for a meal. I'm gonna break this damn phone one day.

Cass looks at me confused, so I tell him my phone is just telling me I need to eat. He quickly springs into action racing to the kitchen, making me laugh. He shouts whether I still like grilled burgers and salad. I ask if he can make me two burgers, and he smiles brightly telling me he would make a hundred if I wanted.

I love this man.

I follow him, seeing my mother ringing me as well. I'm popular today. I pick it up, bracing myself. "Hello mother. How are you?" Cassius hears me and looks my way but I just smile at him. Not even my mother could ruin my good mood right now.

"Hello Alettra, you still coming back in a week." Oh yeah, I forget I didn't update her on my early arrival. "No actually, I'm arriving tomorrow." I lied because I wanted to ensure I was in a good place before I met her. "Oh okay, then could we schedule a get together." I furrow my eyebrows.

This was a first for my mother.

"Um yea sure, would it be okay to meet during my break at the museum next Monday?" She pencils in the date and says bye. I look at the phone in awe, that might be the best conversation we've ever had.

"Have you not told your mum yet, about the baby?" I shake my head telling him I will when I meet her on Monday. At least there will be witnesses at the museum, so she won't make that big of a scene.

I go towards Cass, rolling my sleeves up and helping him. Both of us are falling into a familiar pattern.


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