41. The Baby's Coming

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Today is the anniversary of Cyrus' death, Cassius had buried himself in his work. I'm used to his coping mechanism but every hour or so, he joins me and wraps me in a warm comforting hug. A hug was needed for both of our sakes. Being 8 months pregnant was hard work. I was tired and sore all the time, and ready for this to be over in a month.

I head to Cassius library to see him looking at some files, in a pensive state. I walk up to the desk, but when I look at the files, I realise it's not for work. Photos of his parents and Cyrus are laid out scattered on the table. He must really be missing his family, he normally kept these pictures hidden. I hug him and while looking at the photos, he tells me something that makes me so proud of him. "I think I want to visit their graves today."

He hasn't ever been to Cyrus' grave since the funeral, meaning he hasn't been to his parent's grave either. I softly smile at him, asking if I could join, and pay my respects also. He agrees, telling me he would be grateful for my presence there.

I look at the photos, admiring how happy his family looks. I'm definitely going to take a lot of pictures of our family, my parents never did that. Something even they regret.

Cassius' mother has the same beautiful blue eyes he has, whereas his brown hair comes from his dad. Cyrus, on the other hand, got his mother's black hair and blue eyes, making him the splitting image of her. His parent's have a gorgeous smile, you can see the happiness in their eyes.

While Cassius and I get ready to go to their graves, I can see the discomfort in his eyes. He isn't fully comfortable with this idea, so I grab his hand and place a kiss on his arm. He's got this.

We stop at a florist buying some flowers to lay at their grave. The wind almost knocks me over as we head back to the car, the grey dark clouds swirling above us. As we walk to their grave, I can feel Cass' grip tighten on my hand, as the cold wind hits us. He finds their grave easily, and we both stand in front of them staring at their tombstones.

Lucius Victor Ardent, a loving father, husband and son.

Adeline Blooms Ardent, a loving mother, wife and daughter.

Cyrus Ardent, a beloved son and brother.

Their graves lined up together, making everything more heartbreaking. Cassius lost his whole family, earlier than he should have. We stand in silence for a bit, until I ask Cass if I could go first, who numbly nods, eyes still glazed over.

He's not ready yet.

I place the white flowers near their grave and slowly with the help of Cass kneel down in front of them. It was difficult with this damn bump. "Hi Mr and Mrs Ardent, first of all I want to say thanks for giving birth to the best man I've ever met." Cass laughs, tears starting to fill his eyes.

"Um, I'll make sure to bring your grandchild here to visit you soon. I'm sure Cassius will tell them all about you, he's told me stories and you guys sound lovely. I hope Cass and I could be great parents like you."

I shift towards Cyrus' grave and begin talking to him. "Hi Cyrus, I wished I could have met you, it would have been nice for the both of us to tease Cassius together." Another chuckle escapes Cass' mouth, I can see his body is slightly more relaxed now, making me feel better.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you. I know your brother loves you so much and misses you. I'm also sure he's sorry he didn't let you be Ash for Halloween, I'll make him pay by dressing him up as Pikachu next year, I promise." I say my farewell, and Cass helps pull me up.

I kiss his cheek and I ask him if he wants me to wait by the car, so he can be alone with them. He nods while staring at their tombstones, grateful. As I walk to the car, I feel something wet, oh no... No, no, no. Why now? I look in the distance and see Cass talking to his parents. I can wait. I'll be fin-

A contraction hits me, making me hold back a cry of pain. Oh God. This is... Okay, I'm okay. I take deep breaths trying to keep calm. I really don't want to ruin this milestone for Cass, I can wait, this baby can wait.

Hold on, what if they're born during Cyrus' anniversary? Of course my child would have no understanding of the meaning of the right time. I double over in pain hiding behind the car so Cass doesn't see me. After 10 minutes, I see him walking back with a soft smile gracing his face, I almost forget the pain I'm in. Almost.

He sees me as I try to stand tall, pretending I'm not in pain. "Why didn't you get in the car baby." Unable to hold it in, a bend holding my stomach, he can be angry at me another time. "I think my water broke Cass," I let out in a rushed whisper.

"WHAT, what oh okay, okay. I-in the car Alettra, come on." He helps buckle me in and I think for a moment before grabbing his hands, causing him to look at me perplexed. "If we go to the hospital, will I have to have the baby?"

Cass looks even more confused, gesturing with his hands his puzzlement. I'm confused even. "I-I think I'm okay, l-let's go home." Cassius still looks at me shocked as I ridiculously play the role of a coward. I'm so scared right now. I'm currently gritting my teeth, smiling with a grimace.

A contraction suddenly hits me, making tears pour out of my eyes. Liz wasn't overreacting. If anything she was underplaying it. Cass leans forward and kisses my forehead, smiling softly. "You got this. Let's go welcome our baby to the world, Alettra." I smile at him, absorbing his words, and nod agreeing.

We arrived at the hospital, the midwives scolding me for waiting so long after my water broke. I glare hard at them, I mean come on people cut me some slack right now. The contractions come and go for about 4 hours, with Cass holding my hand the entire time. He did have to switch a couple times due to the pain and cramping. I'll say sorry later.

When the midwife tells me I'm ready to start pushing, Cassius has to hold me down to stop me from walking out again, telling them I'm fine. I push for what seems like forever, the pressure causing my head to pound. Let's not talk about what my body is feeling like.

Then I hear it, a high pitched wailing sound, making me pause in confusion.

Was that my baby?

Whereas, Cassius has possibly the biggest grin I've ever seen from him. The nurse announces it's a girl, making me smile. I have a daughter.

When they clean her up and hand her back to me, I look at her in awe. She's so precious. Cassius leans down looking at her, marvelling at how beautiful she looked.

Her skin lightly tanned, the cutest nose and lips as well as a head of black hair. When Cassius strokes her cheeks her eyes slowly open, and I can't stop the gasp that escapes me. She got Cass' blue eyes, they shine like two blue sapphires looking straight at us. I know she can't see anything yet, but it's like she knows we're her parents.

The way she looks at us... Full of curiosity and wander. Innocence.

"Do the parents have a name for the baby?"

Cass looks at me, beckoning me to tell them. God, I wish I could shout it to the whole world. "Yes, our daughter's name is Clara Adeline Ardent," I say with pride filling my chest. I look up at Cassius hoping her middle name was approved, and I get my answer when he leans down pecking our baby's forehead whispering, "Welcome to the world, Clara Adeline Ardent."


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