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IN WHICH, Yumeko forces [Y/N] to marry her.


WARNINGS, kidnapping, holding someone hostage.

NOTE, I just noticed that my phone storage is dying and I don't want to want to take any more space so, bye-bye banners. :(



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A society where 99 percent of people are yandere's, or better known as people who are obsessed with their love interest. The other one percent is called, "The one who obeys." That one percent are rare members of society and usually looked at by yandere's since they want a lover who does everything they say.

And you just had to be that 1 percent of society.

It was already set in stone the moment you were born. You were unlucky to be born with this because if any yandere took an interest in you and realized you're that one percent, they would haywire.

You're parents, sadly, were at the bottom of the food chain, when it came to money. You didn't have basic necessities growing up which lead your parents to go to another option in hopes to make matters better.

Another family noticed your family's struggle and offered a helping hand. They proposed that your family will receive huge cash of money if you and their daughter, Yumeko Jabami, get married at the age of 18.

Of course, this was a farfetched offer but in a desperate fit, your parents accepted.

Oh, did I almost mention the Jabami family were a part of the branch from the Hundred Devouring Family? 

Anyways, ever since then, you grew alongside with Yumeko Jabami. You always saw her as a sister, since you didn't know about the contract. Your parents didn't want you to worry about that marriage at such a young age. Yumeko on the other hand knew about the contract but absolutely despised you throughout your childhood.

You were always clumsy, a weak person to put it in short. That was the reason why Yumeko despised you. Every time you fell down, Yumeko would mock you causing you to start crying and hide somewhere where Yumeko wouldn't be able to spot you. It was an ongoing process that you have grown to adapt.

Because of how much money your parents have, you and Yumeko went to Hyakkou Private Academy. The school where sports, grades, or anything academic didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was how good were at gambling.

On the first day, Yumeko made a big impression. She managed to beat one of the best gamblers in the class the two of you were put in. Meari Saotome, the person who lost a horrible gamble to Yumeko, gave a death glare at you, causing you to look somewhere and pretend that you didn't have any sort of connection with Yumeko. 

Yumeko excused herself and you followed her.

'This girl...Is a compulsive gambler...'


A week passed by and the whole student council had their eyes on Yumeko and the students from your class were now starting to fall in love with you. Yumeko didn't not like that at all. She insisted you become her own personal pet so that no one would steal you.

You refused but that's when Yumeko reminded you that you're "The one who obeys," causing you to freeze up. Yumeko was right, you had to obey her. With a hesitant look on your face, you nodded, and Yumeko embraced you tightly. She gambled against you, forced you to lose, and denied you from paying your debt, causing you to become her own personal housepet.

To make matters worse, while searching your parent's house when you were visiting them, you found the contract your parents signed way back then when you were a kid. 

You read the entire thing and saw that when you and Yumeko reached the age of 18, the two of you would get married. You felt your breathing hitch and the world around you fade out.


They couldn't have...

They couldn't have signed this form to earn money without your consent..!

It was unbelievable but...That contract did save you from a life of horribleness.

You were conflicted but you never liked Yumeko in that way! You had to escape from this fate, one way or another.

You started to plan an escape route behind the scenes, making sure Yumeko didn't notice. Spoiler alert, she did.

She grew furious about why you would betray her. While you were sleeping, Yumeko kidnapped you, smiling wickedly to herself.

When you woke up, you didn't know where you were. You looked down and saw that you were in a (wedding dress/suit). You gasped as a certain someone called you. You looked behind you and saw Yumeko in a wedding dress. Behind her where your parents tied up, a knife pointed to them.

"Tell me, [N/N]. You don't want your dear parents to die, now would you~?"

You gulped, looking at your parents who were screaming at you to continue on with the marriage, and back at Yumeko who just kept smiling at you, impatiently waiting for you to make a decision. 

You didn't want this...but you knew Yumeko was going to do harm to you or your parents if you denied it. Biting your lip to prevent yourself to say anything, you nodded.

"I knew you understand~!
Come on, [Y/N] I promise you we'll live a happy life together~!"


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