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IN WHICH, Kaede Akamatsu spends time with her crush [Y/N] [L/N].


WARNINGS, stalking, murder, obsession.

NOTE, Kaede, my love, pls marry me.



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"Now press this key."

Kaede instructed you, as she grabbed your wrist and gently set it down on the piano tile. You placed your other finger on the different key and gently pressed it down.

You were too emerged at playing the keys on the piano you didn't notice Kaede staring at you with loving eyes. Everything about your beauty captivated Kaede and it throughout your time at Hope Peak's Academy her crush on you grew.

At first, it was your typical crush anyone would have. Her face growing red whenever you complimented her, or said something to her. However, her love for you only grew into lust, an obsession that she wasn't able to tug herself out of. Her mind started to get more and more polluted at the thoughts of you and her being together forever, with no distractions to keep you occupied. 

But there were people who had your eyes on you, stopping Kaede from keeping you away for herself.

Did you catch that?

People had their eyes on you.

Of course, when Kaede noticed that people were falling for, Kaede went ahead and murdered them, and made it painfully clear to them who you belong to. There was no way you would go ahead and date whoever confessed their love for you. Kaede just couldn't risk that...

No one expects her to be a murderous lustful person when it came to her crush. After all, she always believed in everyone, was kind to people, and was overall an amazing person to spend their time with.

Hell, not even you noticed her being different. The only thing that you did notice was two of your classmates being absent for the week. Those are Miu Iruma and Shuichi Saihara. Kaede and the others dismissed it as them skipping class since you were allowed to do that but Shuichi was never the kind to miss a day of school and Miu, was usually inventing items, so her disappearing wasn't a big deal.

The sound of the piano being played once more snapped Kaede out of her thoughts. You looked over to her and gave her a small smile,

"Haha, I think that's enough for me. Do you mind playing me a song on the piano?" You asked, tilting your head.

Kaede kindly smiled at you, "Of course!" 

She hovered her hands over the piano keys and started playing. Kaede playing her piano always made you happy. Seeing her pour her soul into a music piece and see her enjoy it herself always made you smile, it was the reason why you kept living. Once it stopped Kaede looked at you and you looked at her too.

"You know, Kaede, you're an amazing friend. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me."

Kaede's face flushed red and she let out a small giggle, "Really? I'm glad. You're an amazing friend yourself, [Y/N]."

Your heart started to beat faster as you pulled her into a tight embrace, "Thanks Kaede."

Kaede returned the hug, "Of course...I love you after all..."

You could feel your face grow hot as you looked at Kaede, "...Really?" You asked in disbelief.

On the inside, Kaede was going absolutely crazy. All her love for you finally snapped and she hugged you tighter, placing a small kiss on your forehead, "Of course, [Y/N]."

"I love you with all my heart. And I'm going to keep it that it's only the two of us."


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