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IN WHICH, Midari Ikishima finds out her soulmate decided to forget her existence.


WARNINGS, blood, murder, obsessing over someone.

NOTE, I hope you like it.



Being friends with a girl with masochist behavior never seemed right for you. To add up, she was your soulmate however you didn't know what soulmates were. It weirded you out that Midari would follow you as if she was like a faithful puppy but you tried to push it off. Midari would always help you out with things you weren't able to do, which you found nice but there would be times that you would want to do it yourself and not have a helping hand.

"Hey, [N/N]." Midari's young voice called out to you. You let out a small hum. "When we grow up, we should get married." She said with a smug look.

Thinking it was a joke you shrugged your shoulder, "Okay. We'll get married." You let out a small laugh.

Midari however, smiled to herself, thinking it was your honest response.


"Hah?! What do you mean you're leaving!?" Midari shouted, grabbing your shoulders, feeling betrayed.

"I-I'm sorry!" You cried, "This isn't my choice..!"

"Yeah, but you broke our promise remember!? We were supposed to be together forever!" She yelled in a furious tone.

"Come on, we're leaving [Y/N]!" Your father called out to you as Midari let you go with anger in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Midari..." You muttered as you walked away from her.

Ever since then Midari grew an undeniable hatred for you, and with each year passing it grew.


Who would have known you would encounter Midari in Hyakkou Private Academy? The moment she laid eyes on you, her eyes lit up. However, when you made eye contact, you quickly darted your eyes somewhere. You didn't want to admit it to her, but you never really enjoyed her presence. You tried running away with Yumeko, a friend you made not too long ago, speedwalking to you to try and keep up.

Midari eye twitched in anger and ran up to you. Grabbing your wrist she pinned you to a wall, causing you not to be able to move.

"[Y/N]! We meet each other for the first time in forever and you ignore me!?" She sheeted through clenched teeth.

You winced at her harsh tone but thankfully Yumeko was there to clear the air.

"Now now, that's no way to treat them," Yumeko stated as she came into the picture. 

Midari looked over to Yumeko and scowled, "And who are you?"

"I'm Yumeko Jabami," She introduced herself, smiling as she grabbed you and pulled you away from Midari.

Midari looked at you then Yumeko and then back at you and connected the pieces. She couldn't fucking believe it. First, you abandon her and break the promise the two of you made. Second, you exchanged her for someone else, and third, you didn't even realize you were her soulmate?!

"Well then, if you have nothing more to say, [Y/N] and I will be leaving." Yumeko bid her goodbye and left Midari behind, leaving her in her own thoughts. Midari kept calling you but you and Yumeko quickened up your pace and finally left Midari.

After a long time of avoiding Midari and having Yumeko to keep you safe, you all graduated Hyakkou alongside more of Yumeko's friends. You were relieved to know that Midari wasn't going to bother you anymore and Yumeko took out a wedding ring. Happily, you ran up to her and embraced her tightly.

Everything was supposed to be fine but you and Yumeko were kidnapped while asleep. You tried to call out to somebody but you quickly realized that you were underground. That's when Midari came into view. She had a sadistic smile painted on her face as she looked you dead in the eye.

"Heyyy, [Y/N]!" She exclaimed, coming closer to your view, "You have a total of 5 minutes or else your lovely Yumeko is going to get killed!" 

"Wha!?" You exclaimed, trying to break out of restraints. 

Midari released you and you quickly started to go through all the traps. You finished all of them however you didn't have enough time to save Yumeko. Midari started to laugh maniacally and pinned you to the floor, a sticking and twisted smile playing on her lips.

"You're mine kitten. After all, you should never ignore your soulmate."


BE MINE ― VARIOUS YANDERE GIRLS ✓Where stories live. Discover now