5:04| Gay Panic at Its Finest

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How was Nico supposed to sit next to James without blushing or making a complete ass of himself for the next two hours? By completely ignoring him that's for sure

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How was Nico supposed to sit next to James without blushing or making a complete ass of himself for the next two hours? By completely ignoring him that's for sure. However, not even five minutes into the class, he knew that was going to be an impossible task.

He could feel Remus and Marlene's watchful eyes the entire time. That only made the situation a thousand times more real.

Four years.

Four fucking years of liking the most oblivious boy in the fucking world. May the gods have mercy if he ever has children. That poor kid wouldn't last a day but never mind that. That's a problem for the future to solve.

Despite four years of not-at-all-stalking James, he never noticed he had a problem. He could not sit still or be quiet. Which unfortunately meant that he was tapping all the time and humming.

Now, Nico liked the boy for four years, but he couldn't handle humming. There were no exceptions.

"Do you mind?" he whispered slightly harshly to the humming boy next to him.

"Not at all," James replied and changed songs.

Nico sighed. Fuck this boy. Literally? his mind thought. He hated his brain sometimes.

"I despise humming, but at least you have good taste," Nico said to James.

James looked up in shock which caused him to stop humming Here Comes the Sun.

"You like The Beatles?!"

"Who doesn't like The Beatles?"

James had a look in his eyes that made Nico's neck and cheeks feel hot.

"We... uh... we... we should, uh, probably pay attention. I'm shit at Transfiguration," he said to James. Why couldn't he talk normally? Damn feelings.

James, however, had a slight smirk on his face and raised his eyebrows a little. "Right. Wouldn't want to miss anything."

They didn't talk much for about an hour. Instead, they were taking notes about what might be needed for their O.W.L.s which was a very long list. However, James had started humming Here Comes the Sun again and again on repeat for the hundredth time. Nico just downed his coffee and tried to ignore it. But how can you possibly ignore James Potter? Although, he didn't know James was doing it on purpose for his attention.

James honestly didn't know why he was humming. He didn't even realize he was doing it until the pretty boy next to him was pointing it out. Speaking of the pretty boy, he was not only the boy on the train, but HE KNEW HIS NAME! Nico. It fit him perfectly.

He couldn't stop sneaking looks at the Ravenclaw. He was even more breath-taking closer. Breath-taking? Ignore that. He had dark brown hair that looked soft to the touch and he had to fight the random urge to run his fingers through it.

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