5:07| Nothing As Spooky As Feelings

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Nico despised many things

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Nico despised many things.

Humming, not knowing, bad style, and loud breathers to name a few.

But sitting and watching other people play a sport is something he truly hates with every fiber in his being.

There are just so much better things to do. Like avoiding feelings and getting away with schemes for example.

And yet here he was: sitting in the brisk October air, watching James Potter dominate the Quidditch field.

Remus was comminating and had McGonagall take away the megaphone from him multiple times. much to the amusement of his peers. He must've spent too much time with Nico because he was swearing left, right, and center. It was easily the best part of the match.

The only mildly debatable part of the game was watching James fly. It looked like he and the broom were one by the way he flew. Nico definitely could assume James was a bird in a past life.

Honestly, Nico was so distracted watching James, as anyone with a right mind would, he didn't even realize the Gryffindor Seeker catch the Golden Snitch. He didn't even hear the roaring in the stands. He only saw James.

He didn't snap out of it until Marlene punched him in the arm. He whipped his head in her direction and didn't hesitate to hit her back. Before she could retaliate, Sirius walked up to them both.

"You guys want to go to a party?"

"A fucking what?" Nico asked.

Sure he had gone to some of the Ravenclaw celebrations and the Lord knows he and Marlene have drunk enough for about seven lifetimes. But an actual party? With the Gryffindors? With James? Nope.

Apparently, Marlene thought differently. As always, she was thinking of a certain Hufflepuff who was also going to the annual Gryffindor Halloween Party.

"Sure. Tonight?" she asked as if she didn't already have about seven different outfits ready.

Sirius nodded with a smile.

"Can't wait to see what you get grumpy here to wear," he said with his annoying smile on his face, gesturing toward Nico for unneeded clarification.

Marlene laughed. Traitor.

"Don't worry about Grumpy. I always manage to get him into something."

"You fucking force me at wandpoint, hündin," he said to her.

She merely brushed his comment away. She had been called that enough times over the span of five years to know what it meant. Sirius, on the other hand, hasn't and was very confused.

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Ignore whatever he says. It's highly irrelevant."

"Tell that to James," Sirius mumbled to himself. He was sick of catching his best friend staring at the boy. It was getting annoying, but it still wasn't as bad as it was with Lily. He would not miss staying up at three in the fucking morning trying to write a bloody sonnet for the poor girl.

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