5:06| Feelings? Definitely Not

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After a month of officially being friends with James Potter, Nico's feelings did nothing but grow like a motherfucking weed

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After a month of officially being friends with James Potter, Nico's feelings did nothing but grow like a motherfucking weed.

Anything the boy did was wonderful. He'd play with his wand and Nico would have to fight a blush. He would hum, which Nico hates, and he would feel his heart flutter. He would describe Quidditch, which Nico also hates, and he would find himself hanging on to James' last word like it was the air he needs to breathe.

It's pathetic, honestly.

If you ever asked him when he started liking James, (Marlene asks Nico every day) he wouldn't be able to tell you. It just seemed like when he first saw him, he knew. He just knew that no one could compare.

He tried many times to lose these stupid feelings. Too many. From kissing random boys in closets (ironic) to trying to never look his way. But nothing worked. Every time he would see those stupid hazel eyes and that stupid smirk and the stupid unruly hair, he knew he was a goner.

Fuck James Potter and fuck these feelings that won't go away.

"Stop fucking thinking and finish your essay."

And fuck Marlene for ruining his inner monologue.

"Fuck off and do it yourself."

"Now why would I do it when you can finish yours and let me borrow it?

"Faule schlampe," he mumbled while returning to his charms essay.

"Whoa! What language was that?"

He felt his eyes widen. Why? Oh because James Potter is sitting next to him.

Queue gay panic.

"Um German," he answered after a few seconds to suffer in silence while James' hazel eyes pierced his soul.

James looked at him in awe. It made him fight his blush even more, but based on Marlene's face, it wasn't working very well. He didn't even realize the rest of the Marauders were sitting with them until he saw the familiar face of Remus Lupin.

"I had no idea you spoke three languages!" James said with a smile on his face.

Nico looked confused for a minute before he smiled in realization. "I speak two. The accent just from home."

James turned pink from what Nico assumed to be an embarrassment. He didn't know that Sirius was smirking like that because he convinced James Scottish was a language. He also, like everyone else at the table, was surprised when the dramatic boy let out a yelp of pain.

"SHHHH!!!" Madam Pince said aggressively from her desk.

"So what are you lot doing here? I didn't even know Black could be in a place with this many books without being turned into ash," Marlene said. Sirius glared at her in mock betrayal while Remus laughed.

"We were looking for Nic-" Peter started to say before he was tackled by Sirius.

It wasn't soon after they were kicked out of the library.

Marlene was bummed because Nico hadn't finished his essay, so that meant she had to finish hers tonight. And she had Quidditch practice. She was so going to make Nico pay for not finishing his.

"Marlene, I'll finish mine tonight," he said to her.

She won't make him pay, but he's on thin ice.

She was about to thank him when she felt a familiar cat brush against her shin. Duck looked up at her owner and gave a small meow. And where Duck went, Cheddar wasn't far behind.

Speaking of satan's child, Cheddar let out a small yell and Nico instantly turned around and slightly ran to his cat. James was mid-sentence when Nico ran toward his cat and couldn't hide his confusion and hurt.

But the sight of the 6'2 intimating Ravenclaw holding his cat and comforting him made James feel something. He hadn't mentioned his and Lily's conversation a few weeks ago to anyone and was still trying to realize whatever he was feeling toward the boy holding his cat was perfectly normal.

And every time he doubted it, seeing the boy, just seeing him, made everything better. Whenever he saw him, it just made sense.

"Mr. Cheddar, what have you done now?" Nico asked his cat.

He only got cat yells in return.

While Nico and Cheddar talked, the Gryffindors were just trying to process the bond Marlene and Nico had with their cats. Even Remus, who had been friends with both Ravenclaws for years, could never fully grasp the mutual understanding between the cats and their owners. It was like some deep magic. As if they could perfectly connect with each other.

It was very spooky.

"So," James started to catch Nico's attention. "Are you coming to the match next Saturday?"

Nico looked up from his cat in confusion. "What match?"

James looked as though he was betrayed. "Only the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match! The first and most important match of the season! On Halloween! Honestly, it's like you never listen to me."

All he got in return was a half-hearted shrug. "I do listen. You just talk too fucking much."

The look on James' face was priceless. Meanwhile, Marlene scoffed at her best friend's attempt to get out of going to a Quidditch match.

"Good luck getting him to like the greatest sport in the world."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Watch ice hockey."

"What's that?" Sirius asked.

"I'll explain it later," Peter mumbled in return. "I have a feeling it's going to be like the ballet conversation again."

"I still don't understand it!"

Remus was getting annoyed. It was just after his time of the month and the full moon was still biting him in the ass. But you never wanted to get Remus annoyed. Ever.

"Shut it," he hissed to the arguing duo. They both muttered apologies and went back to watching James interact with Nico. The two boys are both oblivious to the other's feelings.

"What's so important about it?" Nico asked James and Marlene.

They both launched into full detail about the sport and told him all about the epic highs and lows of Quidditch. By the end, Nico was bored. So bored he didn't even realize he promised to go to the game.

"Brilliant!" James said with a smile on his face. "Look for number 5."

He and his friends then walked away leaving a very befuddled Nico and a grinning Marlene.

"Why do I feel like I just walked into a trap?"

"You didn't walk, darling," she said with a shit-eating grin. "You pranced."


Author's Note

Very short chapter today but I plan on updating it very soon with a special chapter ; )

I hope there aren't any errors in this chapter I missed. Please feel free to let me know if I did.

Please remember to eat and drink water and get sleep.

Take care beautiful people!

- pheebs <33

word count : 1.1K

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