Chapter 40 The island

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Ethan took hidden glances at her, she looked tensed about something.

Her eyes focussed on the scenery outside , hands wringling together.
A habit of hers when she is overthinking about something.

That Elijah must have said something to her.

"What happened?"

He asks, making her look up at him. Moving her head in a no.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"You look tensed Vivian. Tell me. Did Elijah say something?'

She sighs looking outside.

"He just proposed. He said he wants to marry me."

Ethan's knuckles tighten on the steering wheel. But he doesn't speak. Clenching his jaw, he stops himself from speaking anything further.

"Why don't you like him. He is not a bad person."

Ethan scoffs at this. Like? He detested him.

"Are you seriously asking me this Vivian?"

She stares at him. Waiting for an explanation.

"Yes. I am asking you this. If I remember correctly, he never did anything to offend you."

Offend? The fuc**"" holding your hands is enough for me to kill him let alone offend.
He thought, looking at her.

"It started with Soph saying he used her...."

He sighs before continuing.

"But I guess it was a lie. I really fail to understand why she did all this."

There is silence, before Vivian breaks it.

"She didn't wanted me to take you away from her. She was jealous of us growing close."

"And then she said she didn't love me. What did she want truly?"
Ethan completes it, failing to understand her mysteries.

"I don't know."

Vivian says truthfully. They reach the Lockwood Estate. To see Elle beaming at them.

"Viv..Ethan come for lunch!"

She exclaims and they nod.
The table is laid and they start eating.

"Wow ! These are my favorite!"

Vivian exclaims in happiness, to only have Elle hold her hands and smile.

"I asked them to make your favourite."

"Thanks El-"

"Ah not me mom Vivian."

"Thank you mom."

Elle smiles, asking her to continue. While Ethan just stares at her.
It's been long since he saw Vivian smile like this.
She looked so beautiful
To only have Elle notice this .

"Son, I see you are more fascinated by something else other than the delicacies."


Vivian turns to look at him and he lowers his eyes. Picking up the fork and awkwardly playing with the food on his plate.

"No...I was just eating mom"

Elle chuckles at this.

"Aww my son looks so cute. Staring at his wife, seeing her smile."

Vivian looks at him and he meets her stare for a second. Feeling embarrassed

"Don't worry Son. You have your entire lifetime to stare at her."

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