Ch 61 The Truth of that night

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.....the night of the accident....

"Get the fuc* out of the car Soph! I don't want to listen you you!"

Vivian screams as Soph forcefully, sits beside her in her car. Not listening to her.

"I won't! I won't let you drive alone in this state! You are drunk Viv!"

"I don't care...I just don't care okay! "

"Fine! Let it be then! '

Vivian starts the car. Hitting the road, while Soph tries to reason out with her.

"I am sorry Vivian...I know Ethan broke up with you because of me."

Vivian doesn't answer. Her knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. Breathing heavily.

"But trust me...I... didn't wanted the things to be like this...I tried-"

"Lies! All lies Soph! Aren't you ashamed of yourself! Still defending your childish stupid actions !"

Soph goes silent, and now it was Vivian's time to roar.

"Elijah refused to return your feelings so you blamed him of molesting you? that Ethan hurts him? You think I can't see how you use Ethan in your sick games?"

"Ethan may blindly trust you Soph but I don't! I stand with what is right. And right now?"

"You are wrong Soph!"

Her eyes widen as she tightly held the hem of her skirt.
Staring down at her hands.

"You are right Vivian...but I can't help it."

She looks up, staring at Vivian.

"I can't help feeling envious of you. Elijah likes you and now even my best friend likes you."

"He has started going away from me and caring more about you. He always had time for me...but since the day you came? He has started ignoring me."

And that's when Vivian looks at Soph and scoffs. Almost cracking up into an unbelievable laugh.

"So this is it huh? It's you who is making Ethan hate me? It is you who told him I slept with Eli? "

Soph doesn't say anything. Hitting her palms on the steering. Cursing.

"Dammit! "

"I considered you to be my best friend Soph! I can you?"

"I am...sorry V...I was just envious...I don't know what happened to me....I was being selfish...I don't know...."

"Then what changed now Soph? Why are you saying sorry now! It's finished! Ethan and me are over okay....he is all yours..."

Soph moves her head in a no... continuing while gulping the lump caught in her throat.

"V... tonight...when I saw you...after Ethan left you in the looked so broken V...I am sorry... I realised how selfish I was being V...I am sorry....I want you back V......I want my best friend back.... please... please forgive me....I will tell Ethan everything.....he will -"

"It's no use Soph. My entire life is finished."

"No V! Trust me...I will make everything right....I will..."

"No Soph! No ! You can't do anything now! "

"I pregnant...with Ethan's child......and the worst thing being....he never loved me...."

Tears slide down her eyes as the road becomes hazy, but she doesn't stop. Changing the gear and increasing the pace.

Her eyes fixed at the road as Soph stares at her in shock.

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