Chapter 54 The best friend.

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Sophie's pov

When I decided to narrate this story, trust me guys. Even I didn't knew that events will unfold like this.

I never expected to come face to face with him.

I thought...they will not let me as I was dead for this world.

They will kill me before I get to see them again.

That they won't even find my corpse after death.

But I guessed wrong, James never does things without a plan.

And I was always a part of his plan.

I don't know how I am still surviving after all the torture I went through. I guess I am just breathing.

Because emotions, were long dead inside me.

The grip on my scalp is hurting like sh**! But I was oblivious to it. My eyes only fixed at those brown orbs of my best friend which I have wished to see in last 7 years.

Fate plays a twisted game.

Each second, each whip, each scar, each cry has only made me regret. I regretted my decision of falling for Elijah and hurting my two best friends for it.

I thought these pains to be my retribution.

But I was again wrong.

The pains till now were just the beginning. Facing Ethan after him knowing about the sick games that I played was worse.

I couldn't look him in the eye.

I didn't deserved a best friend like him.

The best friend that I realised was more than that......all the time in captivity.

His eyes..his words..his confronting touch were my only salvation.

And that's when I revert back from my own statement.

I may have been the biggest fool to reject the love of a man who loved me like no one ever could.

I was a fool as much of a fool he was.

Stupid to not realise, he was the one I couldn't live without.

Stupid to not know, how fast my heart beated in his presence.
And how void I felt in his absence.

But I will be a bigger fool to tell this to him now, to pull him back to my unworthy love when he was falling for the girl that loved him.

I didn't deserved his love, I never did.

And I will never let him know , what remained in my heart for him.

I was a stigma on the word best friend.


I close my eyes. No...I can't...I just can't.
Tears leave my eyes and I could feel their salty taste on my lips.

James chuckles, tightening his grip on my scalp. Making a sharp pain to shoot in my head.

"Bravo! Isn't this a reunion!"

My body feels too weak to resist, I try moving my hands to pry of his disgusting hands off me.

But I am exhausted like always.

Breathing itself a task for my broken ribs.

"Ethan? How was my surprise. See I am not that heartless. Am I?"

I manage to look up from the pool of tears on the cemented floor. Taking in his bandaged thigh to his torso.

He was hurt badly. But thankfully there was no permanent damage.

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