Chapter 56 The Phoenix

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"Loving you was like holding onto the ashes of our lost love tightly in my fist.

The more I try to keep you with me, the more they slip.

Tired of fighting fate with every second of clock's tick.

I finally surrender, opening my fists, to only see you burn and rise like a Phoenix."

- suzangill© ( Ethan to Vivian)

It was midnight. Ethan was back to his room after getting discharged from the hospital. Sleep impossible in his eyes, after all the he has seen that night as he lays on his bed. With one arms below his head and eyes fixed at a spot in the ceiling.

His mind was in a chaos, and the only thing that was calming him was the sleeping beauty in his arms.

Vivian's steady breaths hitting his neck . Her cheek pressed to his shoulder and arms wrapped around his torso, as she sleeps without a care of this world.

A smile escapes his lips as he stares down at her. Using his free hand to move the stubborn tendrils of the flick out of her face.

To only play with the silky lock, rotating it around his finger. He didn't dare move since last one hour, not wanting to disturb her sleep.

He was indeed lucky.

He thought. To have her with him. Or any other women would have long left his sorry ass. It wasn't a fact to be proved that he didn't deserved the love of the women in his arms.

But what can he say?

He was selfish. He wanted her all to himself.

His thoughts are interrupted by a ping of his phone. And his knuckles that caressed her cheek stopped. The phone's screen lightning up in the darkness of the room.

Groaning, he stretched himself to pick his phone from the side table to only have himself go still.

His grip on the cell tightening as he saw James sending him a recording of Sophie. He couldn't start it, the sounds will wake up Vivian. Gently placing Vivian's head on the pillow behind. He lifts himself up.

Going out of the room towards the balcony. The cold winds hitting his chest through his robe, but he didn't mind. His eyes focussed on the condition she was in. can this man be so heartless.

She was in a cell. Laying on the floor, almost immobile. The inflation and deflation of her diaphragm, the only evidence to her breathing and being alive.

Holding the railing with his other hand, he presses the play button. His throat feeling clogged and breath rugged.

"Bitch. Isn't your best friend coming to save you?"


A whip strikes her thin back, almost tearing the flimsy piece of cloth she wore.

"Aren't you truly worthless?"


Another whip hits her back, almost making a cross on her back. Ethan closes his eyes , his knuckles almost white with his strong grip on the metal railing.

"Aww what a poor self. He choose her over you? What a shame."

"But don't worry love , we will have more fun here anyways."


Another whip hits her , but this time it hits her front, making her come out of her cocooned self. Her teary face becoming visible. Her mouth opens and closes again , but no scream leaves her lip.

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