Chapter 2:Hatred

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Hate me till your hearts content, accuse me in contempt.

Let it all out, I beg.

To only leave our scarred love in the end.

Wait a minute ,they met! They actually met! I can't believe it.

And wasn't that first meet after all these years, explosive?

Could you see those imaginary sparks and their love hate chemistry?

I just love both of them!

But wait...will it end here? Will Ethan never see Vivian again?

Or maybe a little bit of persuasion and pending bills could help.
After all Vivian always had a way of getting things done.

Let's see what happens next, signing off from here is your host Sophie Rogers!


She nervously waited in the sitting room,her heel  clicking the floor every two seconds to show her anxiety.

Placing both her hands on her shaking thigh,she tried to stop this irritating habbit of hers.

Her eyes looking around to see the security people checking all the footages.
Finally it ended and they gave her their full attention.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience ma'am but we are still left with one thing.
We need to check your bag"

Her eyes widened,what do they mean by the statement that they wish to check me.

She handed them over her bag and next she saw a lady motioning her to follow her.

Never had she felt so embarrassed before,they were checking her like she was a thief,when in reality she was just stupid.

The lady checked her properly as if this was a narcotics raid going on.
Once done they asked her to leave.

" interview? I came here for the interview"

The security people exchanged looks between them.

"I am sorry ma'am but you have to leave. Sir asked us to show you the interview is already over.... the person has been hired"

Her eyes widened. Clenching her fists she was trying her best to control her anger.

First they accuse of something she never did,they check her like she is a criminal and now they tell her they hired someone else.

She needed this job desperately ,hell how was she supposed to pay her bills?

Life was really a mockery,from being the daughter of one of the richest men in the country,she came down to this.

With 5 years imprisonment record ,no one was willing to hire her.
But then could she work the same building as him?

"Where is he?"

She asked,trying to sound brave for once.
Come on Vivian. You can do this!

"How come I didn't even get a chance to get interviewed? "

"Sir is busy in a meeting ma'am.
We can't answer your questions ma'am. Sorry . Please leave."

She turned around on her heel. Not ready to let this job go because of her past again.

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