07 | Fight

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"Don't like me? Fuck off. Problem solved."


A/N Just to let you guys know i changed the name of Willow's enemy, it used to be Melanie now it's Brenda

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A/N Just to let you guys know i changed the name of Willow's enemy, it used to be Melanie now it's Brenda. I would go back and change it in the previous chapters, i did one but i don't want to do the rest. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Third person's POV

"What do you want Brenda?" Willow questions crossing her arms over her chest while raising an expectant eyebrow at the blonde in front of her.

Brenda glares at the group in front of her and copies Willow's stance. "You ratted me out you bitch."

Willow scoffs. "Of course i did."

"Come on, you didn't really expect her to sit around and do nothing while you make up some bullshit lies to try and get her expelled?" Sasha taunts.

The boy behind Brenda shakes his head. "You fucking snitches." He spits stepping toward the girls.

Wes is quick to walk in front of him, blocking Sasha and Willow. "Hey! Back off!"

The boy laughs. "What are you going to do about it?"

"You don't want to know." Wes threatens.

"Why don't you call of your guard dog Willow?" Brenda asks.

Then Brittany, Brenda's sister, speaks up. "Because she's scared."

Sasha laughs with no humor evident. "Really?! Then why'd you need a whole ass army just to get the balls to face us?"

"Because she's a pussy." Willow taunts clicking her tongue.

"Excuse me?!" Brittney screeches.

"What'd you just call me?" Brenda asks as she steps forward, Willow doing the same.

"Why don't you call of your little bitch Brenda? Too scared I'm going to beat your ass if you don't have backup?" She questions tilting her head slightly. "You're not wrong, but even with your backup i can kick your little ass into next year."

"Oh yeah?" Brenda raises a daring eyebrow. "Wanna test that theory?"

"Oh gladly, i would love nothing more then to slap you silly. The real question is, can you handle it?" Willow smirks.

Within a second Brenda lunges at Willow throwing the first punch, landing it on Willows cheek bone. Willow is quick to get the upper hand, shoving Brenda against the brick wall of the apartment building and punching her in the jaw, then cheek before she gets thrown aside by the boy.

This gets Wes' attention as he lets the girl he was previously holding back go and tackles the boy to the ground giving Willow another shot at Brenda though is caught off guard by a kick to the face which causes her nose to start bleeding. "Bitch!" She curses wiping the blood away with her hand and lunging at the blonde.

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