41 | Counterparts

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"History is repeating its self and all I wanted was a fresh start."


Willow DeLaCruz, as much as she was independent, was also co-dependent

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Willow DeLaCruz, as much as she was independent, was also co-dependent.

She could do everything on her own- she could cook, clean, take care of everything and everyone. That wasn't the problem. It was having nobody beside her cheering her on that made her co-dependent. She didn't need anyone's help, she only needed their company. And the one whose company she craved the most was nowhere to be seen.

She was alone. And she only had herself to blame.

It had been only three days since Wes had walked out on Willow. Three days that dragged on until it felt as though three years had passed, instead of just a measly seventy-two hours. And every second of those hours has been hell.

Willow had done everything she could to distract herself from the silence that chilled the once noisy apartment, the now empty apartment. There were no more than memories haunting the house, and Willow couldn't stand facing them. And so, she avoided the place all together.

Willow packed a bag, and she had done something she never thought she would. She left.

She left, and after thinking about it, she really only had one place to go.

Sasha Paris was surprised but no less than pleased when she had come home from school and found her best friend sitting on her front steps, a packed slung over her shoulder and a defeated smile on her lips.

"What happened?" Sasha asked, stopping in front of the DeLaCruz girl who shrugs.

"Brothers are bitches." Is Willow's reply, and Sasha couldn't help but laugh as she agrees.

"So I've heard." Sasha agrees, taking a seat beside her. "But for real, what happened?"

Willow sighs, eyes cast to the ground as she avoids Sasha's chocolate browns that would threaten to pry the truth from her before she had a chance to lie. And so, she doesn't even try. She shrugs, ignoring the tears building behind her eyes as she turns to the girl beside her. "He left." She says, the tears blurring her vision as she speaks the painful words. "Wes... He left."

"He... left?" Sasha repeats, eyes narrowing in disbelief.

"Yeah." Willow nods, sniffling as she blinks the tears away. "He, uh... Had enough of me, I guess."

Sasha scoffs. "That's bullshit-"

"Sash-" Willow sighs, watching the girl stand in what looks like a fit of fury.

"No, don't 'Sash' me." She scoffs once more. "That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in weeks! What the fuck is he thinking? I'll tell you what, he isn't! He isn't thinking at all! Because if he was, he wouldn't be acting like such a-"

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now