22 | Twin talks

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"I spent my entire childhood wishing that i was older, now I'm older and this shit sucks."


Sleep was a luxury, one Willow was rarely ever gifted

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Sleep was a luxury, one Willow was rarely ever gifted. It didn't bother her, in fact she often found herself waiting for night time to arrive. She looked forward to the nights where she sits awake while the world around her is sound asleep, when she gets to look up at the night sky and feel the warm sense of peace that she can only ever find in the stars. Ever since she was younger she could remember waking up in the middle of the night and finding her way to a window where she would spend hours sitting, simply looking up at the dark sky while the cool breeze brushed across her skin giving her familiar goosebumps. It was a routine for her, a habit she has never seemed to grow out of and she hoped she never did, it was when she felt the most free.

Tonight was no different as she stared at the red numbers on her alarm clock, the time reading 3:24am. It had only been half an hour since the girl had given up on sleeping, opting to look at the glow in the dark stars that littered the ceiling of the dark room or the photos that strung across the walls, allowing herself to relive through the stories each of the pictures told. But eventually Willow started to become restless and she couldn't bring herself to continue on laying there in the silence, so she did what she always does and quietly lifts herself off of her bed, picking up her cellphone and a pack of cigarettes before collecting a hoodie off of her dresser and pulling it over her head as she exits the bedroom. She makes a quick stop in living room, careful to not wake Cameron up while she stuffs her things into her pocket and grabs her pink fuzzy blanket off of the armchair, draping it around her shoulders like a cape. Willow walks down the hallway making her way to the window that sits at the end, she pushes it open climbing out onto the fire escape and walks up a few steps before settling down, sitting with her back leaned against the stone wall of the apartment building as she lights up a cigarette and looks up to the night sky.

Willow sat there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, letting the cool breeze brush across her skin while the moonlight glowed down on her as the sound of cars driving by and distant laughter of people passing filled her ears. She thought back to when she had first started to do this, back then when her family was whole and happy, when they lived in a big house together filled with nothing but love. Back then whenever she couldn't sleep she had plenty of options on how to handle the situation, she could sneak into her twins room who was right across the hall from her, she could wake one of her older siblings or parents, or she could deal with it on her own. Willow always jumped between options, never sticking to just one, she would move from person to person each night she was kept awake or she would sit by herself in her bay window and wait to be caught and sent back to bed, which would either take minutes or hours, depending on whichever member of the DeLaCruz family woke first. Not much about her habit has changed since then - which she found was kind of ironic considering how much really had changed in her life throughout those years - she still couldn't sleep through a full night, waking up at least once and usually not being able to fall back asleep. She just changed how she handled it, she didn't have options anymore, only having the choice to deal with it on her own until someone came to look for her. That was another thing that stayed the same, someone always came to look for her, and tonight was no different as Wes pokes his head through the open window quietly calling his twins name.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now