18 | Dreadful Discussions

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"We shouldn't be this kind of tired at this age."



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"So..." Willow trails off awkwardly, unsure on how to start the conversation. She, Sasha and Noel had been sitting in his car, a tense silence surrounding them as the two girls sat in the back, humming along to the quiet music on the radio while they waited for Noel to speak, but he never did.

"Why'd you wanna talk to her?" Sasha asks with a loud sigh, bored and tired and not in the mood to stay in the car in nothing but awkward silence. "And can you hurry up? I can practically smell the anxiety coming from you." She tells the man with with a blank stare.

His eyebrows furrow in offense at her words. If it were anybody else he would have denied them. But he couldn't, not when it came to Sasha, an obviously great friend of the twins. So he knew if he were to say something wrong to the girl or get on her bad side he would ruin the little chance he has at repairing his relationship with Willow and Wes, and he couldn't risk that. So instead he let's out a sigh and turns to face his little sister. "Willow..."

She hums, not daring to look at him. If she did he would see how nervous she actually was and she didn't want that. Because then, he would know of the effect his presence has on her and she was determined to keep the 'i don't care about you in the slightest/you hold no power over me or matter to me at all' facade going, it was her only defense and she needed to keep it no matter what.

"I know that you are not pleased by our return-"

Sasha snorts. "That's an understatement."

He narrows his eyes at the Paris girl before continuing, ignoring her comment. "But i really am serious about reconnecting with you and Wes. You two matter more to me than you could ever know."

If we mattered so much why would you abandon us?

As if reading her thoughts he quickly keeps going, not giving her a chance to interject. "And yes, i have made mistakes in the past by leaving, however i cannot change that even though if i was given the option i would do things differently. But that is not something i can do. All i can do is ask for a chance to prove myself to you and Wes and attempt to make up for my past actions. I would love to make it up to you both- If, of course, that's something you are willing to let me try to do."

Willow was conflicted. They were here, her brothers, they came back. That was something she had wanted for so long after they left and she waited for them, for years, hoping that maybe one day she would come home from school and they would be there, she would go to bed with the thought of waking up and seeing them the next morning. But they were never there. They were never there to greet her after school or to surprise her in the mornings. They left and they didn't come back. And so she gave up. She let them go and did her best to make peace with the fact that they were gone. She moved on.

So now how is she supposed to go back? Would it be worth it? Would she regret it if she didn't at least try to rebuild a relationship with her brothers? Or would she regret it more if she did try? She doesn't know. She isn't sure she wants to know. Willow's head was a mess, one she couldn't fix. Her head was filled with a million questions, thoughts of regret, mistakes and consequences. Endless possibilities clouded her judgement, all screaming at her and evoking fear into her senses. What was she scared of? She was scared of the future. She was scared of messing everything up. She was scared that if she made the wrong decision that the repercussions may be worse than last time. She was scared that this would change her life, for worse instead of better. But most of all, she was scared that this decision could end with her losing her twin and her sister. And the simple thought of that terrified her.

Who Willow DeLaCruz be without her siblings? Nobody. They were her everything and without them her life would be pointless, a waste. At least that was what she told herself. That was how she felt. Her siblings were her main reason of waking up every morning, they kept her sane and grounded. Her second reason were her friends. They were her family. She needed them. If she were to lose any of them she would be lost, doomed to an everlasting state of depression with no one to guide her out. It was almost pathetic how much she relied on them, like she wasn't her own person. But its just who she was, it was how she was raised, all she's known and she had no desire to change that. She needed people and those were her people. She couldn't imagine losing them, especially over her "brothers" of all people. They, out of everyone the girl knows, are the least worthy of even the thought of risking her family. Not after everything they had done, all the pain they caused.

That was another thing -was she willing to face the possibility of reliving the pain and betrayal she felt when they left the first time? Because there was no guarantee that they would stay this time, they could leave again tomorrow for all she knew and this time it would be worse since it wouldn't just be effecting her and Wes, they would be hurting Skyla too. And Willow knew that she would put Skyla first before dealing with her own mental damage, it was something she already does. But how much more of that could she really handle until she broke?

Despite all these doubts and reasons to say no, Willow could not help but think the possibilities of what could be if she said yes. Would her eldest brother come home? Would her mom try to get better and maybe even become present in their lives? Would they be one big happy dysfunctional family? It was tempting. Like the shiny new toy she would see in the stores as a child, one that all the others kids had and would brag about leading her to beg her mother for it. But the thing is, she never got the shiny new toy. She never got anything. Willow has always had horrible luck in nearly every situation she found herself in and most days it seemed as though the world was against her. Then why would this be any different? It wouldn't.

So why couldn't she say no?


That one word, that one thought, that one concept, that one promise. It meant everything to her. Loyalty meant everything to her. And even though they don't deserve it, there was one small piece of her that was screaming to give them a second chance. There was a voice in the back of her mind reminding her of her childhood where her big brothers were her heroes, her protectors, her world.

And so, with a sigh and a torn heart Willow meets her big brothers eyes, showing her self doubt and just how vulnerable she really is, she nods. "Ok."

"Ok?" Sasha and Noel repeat, both not expecting that answer.

"Yes." She runs a hand through her hair. "One chance. Don't make me regret it." She warns, her eyes begging him to not hurt her again.

He nods. "I won't." Noel assures. "I promise."

Promises were made to be broken.

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This was honestly so hard to write for no reason, i just couldn't find any motivation. Like i swear I've been trying to write this for two weeks now. I have writers block right now and it's so annoying.

Anyways, this is really just a filler chapter i guess. Hope you enjoyed though<3

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