23 | The DeLaCruz Downfall

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(Italics = Flashbacks)


"The deeper you dig the darker it gets."


Willow couldn't stop thinking about it

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Willow couldn't stop thinking about it. She kept replaying the day over and over again in her head, like that catchy song that you can't seem to forget about and it plays as an endless loop in the back of your mind until it's engraved in your memory and you know it by heart. Except this wasn't some innocent little song she heard on the radio, it was a tragic accident that ended in major loss, it was when everything started to go downhill - that day was the downfall of the DeLaCruz family.

She kept questioning everything, reliving each step of that day and asking herself how things could have been different - what they could have done differently to prevent the accident. Maybe if her and Wes didn't ask to go on a trip for their birthday it wouldn't have happened. Maybe if they waited an extra day they could have all driven up together and avoided that one drunk driver. Maybe if the twins wouldn't have begged their sister to come on the trip she would still be alive - maybe then their father would still be alive.

It didn't make sense. How could what started as a normal day end in tragedy? How could they go from smiles and laughter to tears and broken hearts? How could a celebratory weekend, filled with joy, excitement and love, end in death and a broken family? It wasn't fair. But then again, life isn't fair. Willow knew that, but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt.

She could only blame herself for how she is feeling right now, as she lies in her bed surrounded by a mountain made of her pillows and blankets. The room was dark, only a single beam of sunlight shining through the dark curtains and stretching across her unmoving figure. It was quiet, the only sounds that could be heard was the girls deep breaths and the hum of the fan as it rotated, blowing cool air around the room and acting as dull background noise to fill the surrounding silence. She couldn't move, unable to bring herself any energy to get out of bed. Instead she stayed wrapped in her blankets, her head painfully empty and her body full of complete and utter exhaustion as she stared at the wall, her eyes occassionally moving to watch the curtains wave whenever the fan aimed in their direction. Willow was numb. Her body and mind were so disconnected from each other but seemed to agree on one thing; shutting down. And that's what they did, they shut down, leaving Willow to watch as they did so like she was only a guest, having no say and no choice other than to observe the process. She felt so distant from herself, so far away, and that's what it looked like to anyone outside too. To her friends it looked as though she was gone, like she had disappeared leaving only her body behind. It scared them. The vacant stare and zombie like state they recognized all too well terrified them. They were dreading what was to come as they began to realize that the beginning of the cycle was approaching once more - Willow's cycle of spiraling, depression and pain.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now