Chapter X

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Miles was... confused, to put it simply. When Kyoya had said he'd make up for the state-of-shock incident, Miles hadn't imagined the payment would be lunch. Especially not homemade lunch that Kyoya made on his own. It had all seemed rather, well, romantic. For lack of a better word. I mean, come on, the candles, the private space, the table for two, the made from scratch meal. If Miles didn't know better, he would say that it seemed like a date. But Kyoya didn't seem like the type to date, Miles just couldn't imagine him with someone like that. Plus, with how easily girls fell at Kyoya's feet, Miles couldn't imagine the boy choosing someone like himself. But if it had been a date, well, Miles wouldn't complain.

He couldn't deny that Kyoya was attractive, and while Miles hadn't been with someone before, he definitely had a type. One that Kyoya fit into rather well. So was Miles, perhaps, a tad attracted to Kyoya? Sure, but what did that really mean in general? Nothing really. It's not like anything would happen between them, Miles was sure of that. Even if there was a slim possibility that Kyoya would be attracted to him, he doubted they'd even get together. Kyoya didn't seem much in touch with those kinds of feelings and seemed to be immersed in other things far too deeply. So Miles would have to let his little crush go. He groaned as he gathered his things and left class, bell ringing loudly. Hopefully it was still small enough to nip in the bud and not something he'd actually have to take the time to move on from.

He went to find the car Daniel was in - he was finally back, deciding to save him from riding with his mother early - when something grabbed him. Miles was yanked by the shoulder, quickly turned around, and shoved a little ways away from the sidewalk to a more secluded space. Miles gripped his bag, ready to swing it at the person behind him that had grabbed him. "Y'know, I saw you walking out of Music Room 3 earlier" The voice was loud, not quite raised, just naturally loud. Miles turned, the voice sounded familiar, and found a tall blonde. Haruhi's boyfriend, Miles didn't bother to remember his name, was standing in front of him with a smug smile on his face. "You looked awfully happy" The blonde stated.

Miles quirked an eyebrow, head tilting in confusion. "Okay...?" The taller boy's smirk widened as Miles stared at him. "I also saw you peeking into our Club meeting a little while ago, and I gotta say, something isn't adding up here" The boy seemed to strut around Miles, talking dramatically with his hands before laying them on Miles' shoulders and gripping them. "You say you don't want to be associated with us, yet you're spying on us and have gone on a date with one of our valued members" Miles choked at the word 'date', sputtering a bit before trying to deny the claims. Haruhi's boyfriend waved his attempts off, completely ignoring anything Miles said. "Oh please, I've heard it all from Kyoya, he just hasn't realized what I have just yet"

Miles felt a blush flame across his face like a wild fire. "Which is?" The blonde's smile seemed to go almost feral as he leaned his head down to that he and Miles were eye level. "You wanted it to be a date" Miles stared at him, how had this tall fucker figured this out when HE had just noticed it? "You like Kyoya, you've got a crush. Now, I don't know how serious it is, it could be a small thing" Miles opened his mouth to agree but the taller boy didn't give him the chance to speak. "But either way, I'm sure you don't want Kyoya to figure out. I mean, imagine the humiliation" Miles decided that Haruhi had poor taste. She should really get that checked out, maybe it's something that could be treated.

"And what if I don't care he finds out? What then?" Miles was bluffing, he knew that. He also knew what kind of humiliation could be brought upon him if the guy followed through with his promise. It had happened before, he almost switched schools because of the bullying. "On one hand, almost nothing could happen, Kyoya would just avoid you and you'd move on and not care. It's not like you share classes anyways" Miles felt his anxiety to go down, that didn't seem bad at all. "But on the other hand, the Ootori family has major connections all over the globe. If he takes offense to your feelings, no matter how small, he could ruin you with just a few phone calls" Nevermind, there goes the anxiety again. Miles gripped his bag tighter, glaring at the blonde.

"So what do you want from me?" He regretted the words as soon as he asked them, as the blonde seemed to light up in a way that made Miles uneasy. "Simple, Hani and Mori are leaving school soon, they had to stay longer than usual because of some extra work they were doing but they'll be gone before the semester is over" Miles narrowed his eyes, he didn't like where this was going. "Which means the club will lose massive profit, so we'll need to bring in a new host to help make up for it" Miles sneered, the last thing he wanted was to be involved with that damn club. "So you'll get what you've wanted for the past, what, month?" Miles grumbled, fingers going numb with how hard he was gripping onto his bag. The blonde patted his head, quickly moving his hand when Miles went to grab at him.

"Exactly! Oh, I'm so glad you caught on so quickly! You'll just host until the end of the year, as both Kyoya and I will be parting this year and the club will probably end with our departure. So, do we have a deal?" Miles wanted to point out it wasn't really a deal if the boy was blackmailing him, but decided against it. "Fine, I'll be there tomorrow, just keep your fucking mouth shut" Miles snapped, pushing past the blonde and almost running into Daniel, who had come to find him. "Is everything alright Mr. Dontire?" Daniel asked, eyeing the blonde suspiciously. Miles glanced at the blonde before moving again. "Yes Daniel, I'm fine, classmate just needed my help with something" Daniel went to say something as he followed behind him but Miles seemed to sense it and cut him off.

"Really Daniel, I'm okay, just tired. Can we go home now? Please?" Daniel let it drop, instead gently leading Miles to the car. He had a bad feeling about this.

A Lesson In Basic Etiquette (Kyoya × Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now