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Hello everyone who has been reading this and waiting patiently for four years for an update! I may not have that but I do have an important announcement that I think you will all be excited to hear! I'm not discontinuing this story, but I am rewriting it!! My writing has gotten much better and I've read through some of these chapters again and thought they were so cringey and I want to fix that. So, I will be rewriting this work, under the new title I've decided "A Lesson In Basic Etiquette" with the same plot line in place but much better written and a bit more of a slow burn (not too much though, because I am impatient). Chapters are already underway and I will update on this story whenever the new one starts coming out and it's progress before it ultimately gets deleted sometimes in the future so it doesn't take up space. This rewriting will also be on AO3 for those of you that prefer that site to this one and I will post on here when both are out! Thank you so much for your continued patience on this and for myself, I love and appreciate all the love you guys give this story, even if it is terribly written. Keep on eye out these next few months for a word on the new story being posted!!

Also, if you think I should change Miles' name, let me know in the comments!

- Book Nerd <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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