Chapter VII

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Kyoya has a very bad habit. He has to know everything about anyone that seems the least bit important to an aspect in his life. The reason it's a bad habit is that sometimes he forgets that not everyone is used to his 'stalker tendencies' - as Haruhi calls them - and let's slip that he did digging. Any normal person would react badly to knowing that a stranger like Kyoya knows so much about them; which is a more recent concept Kyoya is trying to learn. So if Kyoya does dig into people's information - which he will if he feels the need to - he has to tread carefully with what he mentions to said person.

The reason you had to know all of that is because Kyoya has decided to indulge in his bad habit. It didn't take long to contact the Ootori Medical Center chain in Greece, but it did take a little longer to find the hospital Miles was at. Once he did, the only problem was getting the staff to give him Miles' medical information. Kyoya had threatened to fire them, make sure they couldn't get a job anywhere else - even tried to bribe them! But nothing could get the staff member to relinquish their hold on Miles' file.

When Kyoya asked why they wouldn't, he got an interesting answer back indeed. "Ms. Dontire has already insured that nothing can or will happen to my position if and/or when someone tries to get into Mr. Dontire's file" Kyoya sighed in aggravation. "But I'm not just another reporter. You are speaking to Kyoya Ootori and what happens to your way of life and what's in it lays in my hands" There was a moment of silence before the hospital staff member spoke up again. "You said you wanted to take a look at Miles Dontire's file, correct?"

Kyoya smirked at the new edge of fear in the employee's voice. "That is correct; and don't worry, none of this will get out into the public view" His response was a bunch of shuffling, which he could guess was the employee trying to find the file. Kyoya didn't have to wait long until they found it, which he could tell from the slightly distant noise of triumph. The apparent excitement didn't last long as the employee muttered as they read the file to themselves. Kyoya adjusted his glasses as he waited, much more patient than a few minutes ago.

"Mr. Ootori, are you still there?" The employee asked, a sad hint to their tone. "Yes, what did you find?" There was a sigh and a moment of silence. "It says that Miles Dontire is albino, which I'm sure you already know, and is more susceptible to skin cancer from over exposure to the sun" Kyoya's eyebrows furrowed; he knew all of that, why were they stalling? "I don't have all day you know" Kyoya said clippedly, making sure there was a small hint of danger in his tone. "I apologize, Mr. Ootori; what I'm trying to say is... Mr. Dontire suffered from skin cancer in the past and now has to have monthly check ups to make sure he hasn't relapsed - Ms. Dontire's orders"

Kyoya felt his head pound as the words echoed in his ears. Mr. Dontire suffered from skin cancer in the past... It had been an hour since the call and Kyoya was still sitting at his desk, quite lost with what to do. Has check ups to make sure he hasn't relapsed... Sighing, Kyoya got up from his desk that sat on the left side of his room. He needed to get out of the mansion, he felt like he couldn't breathe - even though the mansion was gigantic and had enough air for weeks. He needed to go on a walk, clear his head, or at least try and distract his mind from the terrible mantra that was echoing in his head.

As he walked, Kyoya started to realize he was in a more commoner neighborhood. Sighing, Kyoya started to turn around, effectively bumping into someone. So lost in his head, Kyoya didn't reach out to save them from the fall like he usually would and just stood dumbfoundedly as his brain tried to catch up. A clatter on the ground followed the run in and Kyoya finally trained his eyes onto the pavement before him. Sitting on the ground, grocery bags fallen beside him and his glasses askew was Miles himself.

Kyoya felt his breath catch in his throat and his head pound. Mr. Dontire has suffered from skin cancer in the past... Kyoya's heartbeat hammered in his ears, blocking out any other noise. Has check ups to make sure he hasn't relapsed.... He didn't notice when Miles got up. He didn't notice Miles trying to get his attention. And he didn't notice that when Miles asked where he was headed, he answered in a distant voice. He barely took notice as Miles left to drop off the groceries at his house. And he definitely didn't notice when Miles came back and started to lead him back home.

What he did notice, was when Miles sat him on one of the steps leading to the door of his mansion. When did we get here? The mansion was about half an hour away - I don't remember walking with Miles for half an hour.... Kyoya was snapped out of his head when Miles started calling his name. "I'm sorry, I've been quite lost in thought...." Miles scoffed a little at the wording. "Yeah, just a little... are you okay? Did something happen?" Kyoya sighed, trying to avoid eye contact with those piercing reddish eyes.

"I am fine, I just learned something about someone and I'm still in shock I guess" Miles frowned, he felt bad for Kyoya, it must have been something horrible for him to be like this. "I'm sorry.... You know, it's bad etiquette not to look someone in the eye when you're speaking to them" Miles mumbled, trying to lighten the mood, maybe even get Kyoya's mind off of whatever he was thinking about. A moment of silence dragged out after the words as Kyoya took a second to process what was said.

When he did, he surprised both Miles and himself by laughing. Miles stared at the older boy, a pink tint rising to his pale cheeks. He looks so much more handsome with that carefree smile on his face. Miles mused to himself, before trying to shake his head clear of the thoughts. Don't do that, he wouldn't want you and he's so obviously straight. And while the albino boy knew that was correct deep down, he couldn't stop himself from looking. Kyoya slowly but surely calmed down from his giggles, not even realizing that his head had stopped taunting him with the information he learned a few hours ago.

"Ah, I needed that Miles, thank you" Kyoya sighed, a small smile still settled on his face. Miles smiled back, shrugging lazily. "You looked like you needed it" Miles told him, moving himself a step or two back. "Alright, well, I need to go back home, I didn't really give my mom an explanation when I threw the groceries onto the counter and ran out of the house" Kyoya felt his smile falter before he could stop it and hurried to cover it up. Miles noticed the small smile suddenly get a little bigger and a little tighter and suddenly becoming fake, but he didn't say anything.

"Of course, I'm sorry if I frightened you in anyway or troubled you with my earlier state of shock" The ravenette apologized, feeling his neck and the tops of his ears flush. The smaller boy waved him off and shook his head. "You didn't trouble me, although I was a little worried" Kyoya frowned a little at the response. "Then let me make it up to you, please?" Miles' eyes widened in shock but he unconsciously nodded anyways. "Um, a-alright" Kyoya's smile was back and bright, and he didn't know why. "Excellent!"


A/N: sorry that this chapter ended kind of awkwardly, I couldn't find a good place to end it so...

A Lesson In Basic Etiquette (Kyoya × Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now