Chapter V

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It wasn't until the end of the day neared by that something happened again. Miles was doing partner work in his math class when his phone started buzzing. After excusing himself from the class - with a stink eye from his partner - Miles went into the hallway and answered his phone. "Hello?" Miles asked, confusion lacing his tone. He didn't check the number or ID before he answered, he had been too caught up in getting out of class and answering the device to check.

"Hey hun" His mother's voice greeted back, cheery as usual. "Oh, hey mom, why are you calling? Is there something wrong?" He couldn't stop the worry from flowing into his voice. "Not really, but I couldn't contact the dean, so I'll need you to talk to him at the end of school today, can you do that?" Miles sighed in relief. He had thought something bad had happened. "Of course mother, I have to go back to class now, I love you"

Min-Lee said her affections back and the two Dontires hung up. Miles walked back into class and went back to work. It didn't hit him that there was a problem until the last bell rang. He didn't remember how to get to the dean's office. Swinging his bag onto his shoulder, Miles scuttled through the crowded hallways, grumbling about the sucky memory he got from his mother. He was so immersed in his rant - which was slowly turning into a panic attack - that he wasn't watching where he was going, effectively bumping into something.

Miles felt his body fall back and he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the hard impact of the tiled floors. He would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised when he felt arms wrap around him to prevent said impact. Maybe the thing he bumped into wasn't a thing at all, but a who. Miles sucked in a breath, risking to open his eyes to see who had caught him. It was the same person Miles had met and walked around with. Kyoya stared down at him, his expression neutral except for a singular perfect eyebrow raised.

Miles felt his face heat up in embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry!" He squeaked out, his arms - which were clutched to his chest - squeezed themselves tighter to his torso, as if the bony limbs could protect him from any repercussions he might receive. Kyoya was silent for a second, his calculating gaze sliding over Miles slowly, as if analyzing him. Finally, the tall boy spoke, his voice soothing and low. "It's quite alright, you were obviously in a hurry. Are you hurt anywhere?"

Miles shook his head from side to side. No, he wasn't hurt, just embarrassed. Kyoya nodded curtly, slowly letting him go and silently making sure he had regained his balance. Miles shifted his bag on his shoulder and immediately dropped his gaze to the floor. The silence thickened and he was about to just shuffle away from the third year when the other boy spoke up. "Where were you headed anyway?"

Miles glanced his twitching eyes to the ravenette before going back to looking at the floor. His eyes made people uncomfortable, not only were they a weird reddish color, but they were always fluttering and trailing off. "I was trying to find the dean's office but I forgot the way" Miles explained. Since his eyes were settled on the ground, he didn't catch Kyoya narrow his own dark eyes at him. "You've already forgotten? I thought I showed you"

Miles nodded shakily, his reddish eyes still on the floor. "You did, I just have really bad memory, that's all" He mumbled. He heard the other boy sigh and gently turn him around. "First off, you were heading the wrong way, let me refresh your memory. Second off, it's basic etiquette to look someone in the eyes when you are speaking to them" Kyoya gently lectured, his hand softly gripping Miles' elbow. Miles felt his cheeks flare up again and he tightened his grip on the strap of his backpack.

"I-I know, but a lot of people find my eyes really uneasy to look at with their color and how much they move. Plus, my eyes can't stay still anyways, so I can never make eye contact for long" Miles retorted quietly. He knew his etiquette, thank you very much, but people usually couldn't stand to look at him for too long anyways so it usually didn't matter. Kyoya hummed in response and the two walked for a moment in silence. Until Kyoya spoke up again, not being able to quell his mounting curiosity.

"Why do you need to talk to the dean?" He asked, glancing over at the smaller, quieter boy. Miles sighed, was it bad that he wished this guy would stop asking him questions? "My mother wasn't able to contact him and he needs to be notified that I will be leaving the school for a short period of time for a doctor's appointment" Another hum was given in response to his explanation. Thankfully, Kyoya seemed it too personal to ask why Miles was going to the doctor and the rest of the walk was silent.

When they got to the dean's door, Kyoya turned to face Miles. "Alright, now that I've shown you the way - twice - I hope that you will not need help getting here in the future" Miles blinked up at the boy. This school had like, three to four floors, he couldn't promise that. "No promises" Miles muttered, looking away from the boy. Kyoya sighed and turned back to the door, rapping his knuckles on the wooden structure. The face of the dean popped out from behind it a moment later, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Ah, Mr. Ootori, Mr. Dontire, what is the reason you boys are here?" Miles opened his mouth to answer, but Kyoya beat him to it. "Mr. Dontire needs to talk to you about something personal" Kyoya explained, adjusting his glasses before gesturing to Miles. The shorter boy glanced at him, resisting the urge to glare or sneer at him. He could speak for himself! The dean, however, continued to talk to Kyoya. "And the reason you are here, Mr. Ootori?"

Miles cleared his throat, a distraction that would let him speak up. If Kyoya was going to explain why Miles was here, then Miles would return the favor. "He was simply reminding me how to get here, I was getting all twisted around and Kyoya was kind enough to lend a hand, even though he was the one to endure showing me the first time" Miles finished the explanation with a shy smile and a tilt of his head. In his peripherals, Miles saw Kyoya staring at him, though his face was still carefully blank.

The dean half smiled at the older student, giving him an impressed nod. "Well thank you for that Mr. Ootori. Why don't you come on in, Mr. Dontire, and we can talk about that person issue you came here for" Miles nodded, moving past Kyoya - who was still staring at him - and into the luxurious office. After closing the door, the dean gestured for him to sit down. "So, what is it you need to talk to to me about?" Miles bit the inside of his cheek - a bad nervous habit he had - and set down his bag.

"I was just warning you that I will be leaving school for a short amount of time tomorrow for my monthly doctor's appointment. I will be leaving around lunch and - hopefully - will be back before lunch is over" The dean nodded and Miles felt a little bit of his nervousness fade. "Monthly, you say?" Miles nodded and explained the reason for the frequent visits. The dean understood and sent him on his way.

It was on his way out that he caught his first glimpse of the Host Club in action.

A Lesson In Basic Etiquette (Kyoya × Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now