7| Rush

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Chapter 7: Rush (Amelia's POV)

It's a tradition within this team that Vince occasionally skips out on, but usually, the night before an away game, the team finds a rooftop or a beach or somewhere to have a little bonfire. Most of the time, we just end up asking the hotel if we could borrow their roof, so that's what we were doing tonight as well. 

I usually hate these bonfires because they remind me too much of the past. 

The first time he kissed me was at a bonfire. 

I felt a cold drink tap my shoulder and turned around to find Michael holding out a can of coke. I looked from the can to his eyes. They looked darker under the night sky but the flames and the warm light radiating off of them lit up his face. 

He lifted a brow, waiting for me to take the can. I reached up for it but before I could take it, he fell in the chair beside mine where Logan was sitting just a minute and opened the can, giving it to me. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, staring at him. He didn't let the can go even as I held it. 


He let it go, turning to Christian who called his name. "What?" 

"Do you know if Vince is coming tonight?" 

On cue, the rooftop door opened and Vince walked in, Demi trailing behind him. "Hey," Demi said, grabbing a chair and sitting next to Maya. Everybody continued their conversations, had some snacks that the hotel staff brought all the way up here when we ordered. Michael was still sitting next to me, but the guys were engrossed in their own conversation and so were us, girls. 

"I know we're not drinking, but playing drinking games by the fire would be fun, no?" Lucy asked. 

"Would be," Maya nodded in agreement. 

"Can't we play without alcohol?" Lucy suggested. 

Everybody mutually agreed and we started with twenty questions. Most of us were hired around the same time because all the players decided to hire new assistants around the same time. I was hired first because Michael's last assistant quit. A few months after me, Demi was hired because apparently, Vince's last assistant broke the contract and sold personal information to the media. Then Maya joined us and then the other three were hired within the same month. 

But despite working together for two years now, we don't know each other all that well. I know Demi and Maya fairly well because I see them more often. Christian, Vince, and Michael go to plenty of events together, like the law firm party next weekend. 

"Lia, your turn." 

"Ask away," I chuckled, leaning back in the lounge chair. I curled my toes under my socks, my feet cold like they always are. 

"Have you—" Demi began but Lucy cut her off. 

"Have you ever been in love and if so then what was his name?" 

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