13| More

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Chapter 13: More (Amelia's POV)

I won't lie, I know I probably should have told Michael where I'd be tonight. Because what the hell is he going to think and what will I tell him when I show up there with Josh after I told him I was busy tonight and that's why I couldn't go with him? 

But my life goes beyond just being his assistant. I'll tell him the truth, I'll tell him that I already agreed to come with Josh and I didn't tell him because I knew he'd just tell me that I'm his assistant and it's my job to go with him. He would make sure I did. 

I heard my doorbell ring and went to answer it, expecting Josh. But it wasn't Josh, it wasn't Michael, it was my landlord. 

"Oh, you look like you're going somewhere," Linda chuckled, "have you got a minute? Sorry if I'm crashing in on your plans." 

I shook my head with a smile and stepped aside, letting her in. 

Linda is young, she's around Cameron's age and she's pregnant. She and her husband live on the top floor and they own my apartment along with a few others that they rent and lease out. "You're lookin' good, where are ya headed?" 

"I'm going out tonight, helping out a friend and being his date." 

She nodded in understanding, taking a look around. "So, you have some time to talk?" 

"Yeah, sure." 

"Your rent due date is coming up, isn't it?" 

I nodded, humming in response while getting her a glass of water. I've never been late on rent so it's not an issue between us. 

"Y'know we rented out all the apartments we own, right?" 

"Yeah, I heard. That's great, congratulations." 

"Thank you. But you know," she cleared her throat, "people need apartments out here, Lia." 

I slowed down my movements, standing by the counter and asking hesitantly, "Yeah?" 

"Yeah. So does Kit's cousin." Kit is her husband. "How long have ya been here, Amelia? At this apartment?" 

I blinked. "Four years." 

"Damn, that's a lot, don't you think?" 

People in this building don't like Linda because she's a blunt woman who does what she wants just because she wants it. But I've had a good relationship with her since I moved here. That might change if she just kicks me out of this apartment without a reason. I mean, can anyone really blame me? 

"What are you asking me, Linda?" 

She stared at me, nodding softly. "We need our apartment back. You think you can do us this favor? I'm sure they could relocate you in the building. Or your sister... What's her name? Cameron?" 

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