35| Lost

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Chapter 35: Lost (Amelia's POV)

Michael stepped out of the elevator first, throwing his bag onto the couch and ignoring me. Trying to, at least. He seemed fine, a bit better after practice but on the drive back to his apartment, I made the mistake of bringing the same topic up again. 

I asked him if he thought he was overreacting because I did and I started explaining, telling him that I did think things through, that we'd be just fine. But he was not in the mood to listen. 

"Amelia," he had said slowly, warningly. "I'm asking you one last time, it's a request. Please stop talking about this because I am not ready or willing to listen right now. Please, I'm begging you." He wasn't yelling but he hardly ever yells anyway. He was fuming though, I could tell. 

So I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the ride and waited until now. I put my purse on the couch while he went into the kitchen and came back holding a bottle, cracking it open, and sitting on the couch. "Michael." I stared at him. 

He closed the bottle once he was done drinking and set it on the coffee table. "Yes?" he sighed, sounding calmer now. 

"Are you willing to talk?" I sat beside him. 

He huffed, rolling his eyes softly, and then faced me. "Amelia, what are you thinking? Seriously, what the hell were you thinking when you told him that?" 

"I was thinking I have a plan, Michael. I'm not going to screw this up." 

"Really? Tell me then, what is your plan? You'll quit this job in six months and then go work where exactly?" 

"I don't know that yet but—" 

"See, see, see!" He shot up. 

I grabbed his t-shirt, yanking him back down. "Michael," I groaned, running a frustrated hand through my hair. "Calm down, for God's sake. I'm not going anywhere. I'll still be here as your girlfriend, isn't that more important?" 

He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Amelia, I don't know how you don't realize this, but you are the one thing holding my career together." 

I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out. I stared at him, unblinking. 

"You're my girlfriend and you are also my assistant and those are two very different things. You hold me together in both ways. When I'm on the ice, I need both parts of you. Amelia, I love you. When I'm playing on the ice and I look at the audience, I look for you. And I don't even have anyone else to look for, all I have is you. But more than half the time we spend together, we're able to spend together because you're my assistant." 


"So?" he asked mockingly. "Is that all you want to say? 'So?'" 

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Michael. Listen to me. You are not going to lose me just because I quit this job. I will still be a part of your life, I will be there in the stands, at the rink, for every single game that you play. Just because this job is the reason we were able to get back together doesn't mean we'll fall apart without it. Michael, I know you love me and I love you too. So just trust me. Trust. Me." 

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