17| Vodka

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I changed the chapter name




Chapter 17: Vodka (Amelia's POV)

"Tiffany!" Demi groaned loudly, setting her own drink down on the glass counter and stumbling up to her feet. I watched in amusement. She's wasted. I feel a little bad for her sometimes. Vince never lets her drink at these after-parties but he celebrates and gets completely drunk. Tonight, she agreed to drink and put the rules aside. But I'm getting a little worried now, hopefully, she doesn't mess anything up. She held up a single finger. "I'll be right back in..." She looked at her finger, blinking a few times. "Two?" 

I shook my head, smiling. "One." 

She hummed, "Hmm, yeah. One minute!" She turned around, walking to Vince, holding onto the edge of the counter until she couldn't anymore. 

I glanced over at Michael. He was sipping on his whiskey, holding the glass, and pointed at Christian while nodding and laughing, talking with him. 


I turned around, looking at Lucy. "Yeah?" 

She lost her balance, grabbing my shoulder in a haste. She groaned and moved over, sitting on the barstool Demi was previously seated on. "Why aren't you drinking?" She pouted, holding her chin in her hand, her elbow on the counter. 

"I am," I chuckled, holding up my glass of gin. 

"Pssh!" She waved a dismissive hand, her elbow slipping off the table. "You call that a drink? Come on." She turned to the bartender. "Excuse me. Get us four shots of vodka, please," she grinned. 

"Lucy I shouldn't be—" 

"Oh, hush!" she scolded. Putting a finger to her lips. "Shh! You never let loose. You're always the picture-perfect assistant to Michael. It's not like he'll get angry with you," she drawled. "Just drink two shots." 

I sighed, staring at the shots. I get drunk off of vodka in the blink of an eye. I can handle my liquor for the most part but it's vodka shots that make my head all woozy in minutes. 

"Drink up! What's the worst that could happen, hmm?" She grabbed one for herself, waiting for me to clink mine with hers. 

I mean... she's not wrong. What is the worst that could happen? I'd get a little drunk? Michael would have to take me up to my room instead of the other way around for once? Can't he handle that? Of course, he can. He's taken care of me when I was wasted plenty of times. He can handle me for one night. 

"All right then." I picked up the shot glass, clinking it with hers, both of us downing them at the same time. I winced, my eyes closing as I swallowed it down, the bitterness of the alcohol sending a sharp burn down my throat. 

Before I could tap out, she picked up the second glass and handed me mine, nearly spilling it. "Come on, come on, come on. It's a fun night out! Bottoms up!" She clinked her glass with mine and we both downed these as well. 

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