Next Day

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It was the next day for the internships and the mission. It was starting to get exhausting even though it was my second day of doing this. I headed out and went in the same spot that we are supposed to meet.

I actually waited awhile until I saw Hawks show up.

He said, "Sorry, im late. I had lost track of time."

I rose an eyebrow, "Doing...?"

Hawks said, "Oh, suddenly you're interested in me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Nigga...shut up and go!"

"It definitely wasn't a no." He smirked and walked to the door.

He knocked and there was Twice at the door once again.

Twice said, "Wassup, Chris! Hey, Vero!"

We both said, "Wassup."

We walked in and I was immediately greeted by Mr.Compress with his gentle hand holding.

Mr.Compress stated, "Hello, darling!"

I said, "Hello, Compress. How have you been?"

"Well, I've been just fine, in fact..."

While he was talking I did my glance at Hawks and was interrupted by a figure coming infront of me. I looked up at his eyes and noticed quickly it was Dabi.

I said, "Yes?"

Dabi said, "Who are you?"

I responded with genuine confusion, "Vero?"

"No, your real name."

I stood up because I had enough of this. I said, "Whats your real name? With those eyes you look like..."

It started clicking together but it was impossible and I just wanted to bother him. I finished my sentence, "You look a lot like...Endeavor...the 2nd hero. Maybe his son, I assume?"

I dont know if I imagined it but I saw his hand flicker up a blue fire like substance. It quickly burned out and he took a deep breath. It had to be impossible anyways. Enji said his son died at 13 and a bunch of people can have bright blue eyes. Hell, we got quirks. Our eyes can be any color now, especially sons like Shoto Todoroki.

Dabi said, "You know what? I don't mind you but if I you do one thing that's suspicious-"

"I dont think that's your call to make. Its his." I pointed at Shigraki with a smile.

I continued, "I mean, go right ahead. If you want to be all tough and think you know everything. You're a villian, anyways and that means you are free to do"

Dabi stood there in silence and I asked, "We done, here?"

Dabi POV

She thinks she has me fooled. Her name isn't Vero. She looks so familiar like pro hero familiar. I can't pin point it. It can't be who I'm thinking, the voice is a bit changed up too AND Chris said she was foreign.

I mean I could care less what happens to this group but I need somewhere to be and a group to have to destroy the world and certain...people.

Vero thinks she has the upper hand but she might actually have the upper hand looking like that. Her body, her hair, her lips and eyes that get playful when she's getting on your ass. She's quick with comebacks too.

~Yeah...I think its about time I have a play thing.~

Hawks POV

Hawks x Black reader *Work It Out* Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora