Watch Out

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I was walking towards my agency and before I was able to fully walk in, I saw the pink haired barbie that was my intern.

Mina said, "Hey, 4 tales!"

I said, "Wassup, shawty!"

Mina said, "So, what are we doing today? Are we still doing that training again where I have to hit you with my acid? Cause I was thinking that maybe we can do something a little different and then-"

I said, "How about a scout?"

She said, "With you?"

I nodded and she grabbed my hand with a, "Lets go!"

We started to walk down the street and talk while keeping a sharp eye out. Mina would see some of her friends from school and I would see some of my friends that I either used to work with or our agencies worked together.

Mina said, "Amir is really nice, by the way."

I said, "Yeah, she helps me out quite a lot. In fact, I haven't seen her lately."

Mina thought about it and said, "She says she has things to do after the time you get back. Oh! She also says she wants to talk to you after work."

I said, "Oh...alright. works for me."

I said, "Anyways girl, lemme tell you about- WOAH!"

The ground started to shake and it shook like the pace of footsteps. Mina and I looked behind ourselves and saw a slightly big, type monster. It was hairy and had bulging red eyes. It almost looked like a demon. It was already terrorizing people with its big feet and stomping around. I figured out pretty quickly that it's quirk involved its massive size.

I said, "Mina, lets go!"

We started to run towards the beast, monster or whatever that is.

~This is probably too dangerous for Mina.~

I said, "Mina, handle the crowd and any civilians that might be in dangers way."

She nodded with a, "Yes ma'am!"

She started to run towards the crowd and I went the other way to get myself ready for this thing. I didnt see any pro heroes to help, yet. So I guess I was by myself for a bit. I started off with a classic of stomping my foot down. The ground started to shake and the beast started to lose its balance. I had got the beasts attention.

I used my wind to fly myself up and the beast started to grab at me but it obviously failed. The beast lifted its hand and a powerful fire started to come out.

~What kinda combined quirk is that?~

I almost didn't dodge in time and he fired at my arm, burning it.

~Man, now my ass gettin mad.~

I took out my fire as well and tried to burn spots on the beast. It would try to get back at me and it would miss and sometimes it didn't, but it didn't matter. I'm a hero and I'm not letting this big ass thing embarrass me here, infront of my intern. I generated my fire once more but he did it the same time as well.

~Damn, im fucked.~

Hawks POV

I was at my agency doing paperwork while Tokoyami was there to help me. I suddenly got a little alert on the TV that tells people a big fight is happening. I did a little nod at Tokoyami. He picked up the remote and went to the channel the fight was on.

To my surprise, it was Y/n. That thing was a bit huge too.

~Can she handle that?~
~Where are any of the pro heroes?~

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